how to plot a time on x-axis and height on y-axis and data with respect to time

4 次查看(过去 30 天)
i have a file that is having headerfile data headerfile data.............. in headerfile there is data ht u v w....... i want header seprate and i want to show the plot time(same time which is in text file)on x-axis which is in the headerfile and data u,v,z with respect to height on y-axis. i tried many times ,but time is passing no progress.could any one help me i want to show data is chaning with respect to time please give me program
  2 个评论
dpb 2014-4-30
编辑:dpb 2014-4-30
I thought we did this some time ago at
Did you implement the suggestions there? If so and had a problem, post your code and the precise problem, if any, you experienced.
poshan reddy
poshan reddy 2014-4-30
sir ,the date and time is in the header file it self .i want to plot 0n x-axis time and height on y-axis ;and data(u v w) with respect to it.the u example :suppose data has for u's as (ht u u1 u2 u3 )and u changing with respect to time that is u u1 u2 u3 like that header data



dpb 2014-4-30
编辑:dpb 2014-5-1
...the date and time is in the header...
Oh, ok...I'm not sure you said that the first go 'round. So, modify the previous to handle that
c=[]; % an empty array to collect data into
dn=[]; % ditto for date/time as Matlab datenum
fmt=repmat('%f',1,4); % format string for the numeric data 4/record
fid=fopen('31oct97.txt','r'); % open the file, return file handle
while ~feof(fid) % begin loop until run out of data in file
l=fgetl(fid); % skip that first line
ERRATA: An extra '%' before the \n in both format strings in original...fixed.
dmy=fscanf(fid,'Date : %2d/%2d/%2d\n').'; % get the d,m,y values
dmy(3)=dmy(3)+1900; % fixup the 2-digit year, put in y,m,d order
hms=fscanf(fid,'Time: %2d:%2d:%2d\n').'; % and h,m,s
dn=[dn;datenum([fliplr(dmy) hms])]; % convert to datenum
% now read a remaining data chunk/concatenate-resize header lines to skip
fgetl(fid);fgetl(fid); % and get the \n and blank line to repeat
I actually debugged the above on your file with the only difference being for brevity I just kept two sets of headers and five lines of data/set. The one difficulty you may run into is that I now see that the data are duplicated for each time at positions I guess(?) so instead of concatenating c as above you may prefer to keep each iteration as a plane in a 3D array to keep each directly associated with the group. Otherwise I guess you'd end up wanting to select into rows by the number/group.
To plot the time series, having dealt with that one way or another,
doc datenum % and friends
doc datetick
for more details on display time axes.
  4 个评论
poshan reddy
poshan reddy 2014-5-1
thanks for spending time for me dpr .can you help me how to plot a raw file (.r1)files into timeseries .check this program and say the the errors .i want to first height point vs time axis clear all; close all; clc; %%% file read clear all; close all; clc;
%%% header read for be=1:5 header= struct('npar',fread(rf,1,'int16'),'nwds',fread(rf,1,'int16'),'nrgb',fread(rf,1,'int16'),'nfft',fread(rf,1,'int16'),'ncoh',fread(rf,1,'int16'),'nicoh',fread(rf,1,'int16'),'ipp',fread(rf,1,'int16'),'pwd',fread(rf,1,'int16'),'cflag',fread(rf,1,'int16'),'nwin',fread(rf,1,'int16'),'w1start',fread(rf,1,'int16'),'w1len',fread(rf,1,'int16'),'w2start',fread(rf,1,'int16'),'w2len',fread(rf,1,'int16'),'year',fread(rf,1,'int16'),'month',fread(rf,1,'int16'),'day',fread(rf,1,'int16'),'hour',fread(rf,1,'int16'),'min',fread(rf,1,'int16'),'sec',fread(rf,1,'int16'),'nbeam',fread(rf,1,'int16'),'beam',fread(rf,1,'int16'),'scan',fread(rf,1,'int16'),'attn',fread(rf,1,'int16'),'noise',fread(rf,1,'int16'),'nrej',fread(rf,1,'int16'),'pthld',fread(rf,1,'int16'),'txpower',fread(rf,1,'int16'),'windfn',fread(rf,1,'int16'),'nomit',fread(rf,1,'int16'),'dtype',fread(rf,1,'int16'),'ver',fread(rf,1,'int16'),'gwind',fread(rf,1,'float'),'gwdir',fread(rf,1,'float'),'temp',fread(rf,1,'float'),'humid',fread(rf,1,'float'),'comments',fread(rf,48,'char'));
%%%data read
for rb=1:nrgb
for nft=1:nfft
how can i calculate first rangebin with respect to time
dpb 2014-5-1 to plot a raw file (.r1)files into timeseries...
No klew...where's there a definition of the file format?
I'd suggest this might be a case for
doc memmapfile


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