3D plot in a circle

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hi everybody,
I have the followng function: Sx=(SH*(sin(a))^2+Sh*(cos(a))^2)*sin(i)+Sv*(sin(i))^2;
SH, Sh and Sv have constant values, but "a" and "i" are angles which change from 0-360 and 0-90; respectivly. I want to plot Sx vs "a" & "i" in a circle like the picture.The color bar in the right side of this graph shows the range for Sx values. This circle is partitioned with internal dashed lines and circles. The dashed lines show "a" values changing from 0-360 degrees. each internal dashed circle shows a value for “i” changing from 0 to 90 degrees. The bigger the dashed circle, the larger the i values.
Can anyone offer any suggestions? Thanks.


Star Strider
Star Strider 2014-5-9
I can’t get it to look exactly like the figure you posted( I don’t have the correct values for the constants), but this will work for a start:
SH = 3; Sh = 5; Sv = 7;
Sx=@(a,i) (SH.*(sin(a)).^2+Sh.*(cos(a)).^2).*sin(i)+Sv.*(sin(i)).^2;
a = 0:360;
i = 0:90;
[A, I] = meshgrid(0:360, 0:90);
Sxc = Sx(A, I);
[Aa, Ir, Scp] = pol2cart(A, I, Sxc);
contour(Aa, Ir, (Scp))
grid on
axis equal tight
  2 个评论
Farid sjdclkjas
Farid sjdclkjas 2014-5-9
Thank you for your help. your code is correct and realy helps me.


更多回答(1 个)

A Jenkins
A Jenkins 2014-5-9


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