solving equations in multiple variables with Transfer Matrix Method

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Hello there!
I do have a problem with this calculation.
The original code looks like this:
clear all
format long
N = 6;
% syms A B
A = [];
B = [];
for kk=1:N
A = [A sym(['A' num2str(kk)])];
B = [B sym(['B' num2str(kk)])];
M = [1,2;3,4];
A(N) = 0;
B(1) = 0;
for ii = 1:N-1
fab = M*[A(ii+1);B(ii+1)];
fa(ii) = A(ii)-fab(1,1);
fb(ii) = B(ii)-fab(2,1);
but these B matrices cannot be calculated. I hope someone can give me a good advise, how to deal with that. Thank you!

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