hi ...my project is under vehical scanner ...first i used median filter to remove noise then i used canny edge detection ,,,now i want to (Extraction Featurrs )...how to know which way to used...please help me
My project is to scan the underside of incoming cars to see if there are any foreign things underneath the car and compare it with images in database. I want to use NN but before i want to processing image. I think the shape Features are good. Note: the first image is before processing it and the second image is after filtering and canny detection. Please help me.
Above image is after doing canny edge detection and median filter. Please help me.
Finding unusual objects and shapes is a serious project that will take months or years. You can't expect anyone to solve it in 5 minutes (for free) here in the Answers forum. Good luck though.
here i want the best way to featuer extraction...please help me...it is just for Graduation Project..is canny edge information Enough to used as feature extrction???????????
The features it finds are edges. If you're after that, then yes, it's fine. If you want it to find bombs which may be wrapped in a variety of material, then no, it's not sufficient.
i want to store the original iamges in database then when come the car it comper the incoming image car with original image...if there are any chaning will give me massage ....is it good idea???...is median filter good to remove noise? and i want to remove the blocks around car how to do that???
Getting a massage is something you might enjoy. See this linkGoogle Search for massage for more information, or click this linkSearch for Chaning and see if any of them strike your fancy. It's really out of my range of expertise. Good luck though.
Median filter is okay for noise. It's claim to fame is that it gets rid of noise without blurring edges. There could be better filters that are more complicated though.
There is a Database Toolbox that you might want to purchase to store your images in a database. I do not have this toolbox and suggest you contact the Mathworks to discuss the suitability of that toolbox for your needs.
hye, i want to do feature extraction for emotion recognition. what is the best method of feature extraction need i choose beside LBP method? do you have any idea?
There is lots of literature on emotion recognition. Nothing is built-in to MATLAB or its toolboxes for that though. See the literature: Search Vision Bibliography Search it for emotion.