Count Peaks, csv-files

8 次查看(过去 30 天)
Tanja 2014-5-26
编辑: dpb 2014-5-29
Hey there! I'm a clueless beginner when it comes to Matlab. So if you would be so kind and answer my questions as simple as possible. I have many problems with what I want to do in Matlab:
  1. Item one Import csv-files in a loop. My idea:
for k=1:NDatei
if ~exist(sprintf('20140512-0013_%03d.csv',k), 'file')
errordlg(['File ' num2str(k) ' does not exit'],'File Error');
break ;
data=importdata(sprintf('20140512-0013_%03d.csv',k)) ;
Whereas my data has names like '20140512-0013_001.csv', '20140512-0013_002.csv',.. Problem is that Matlab tells me that my files don't exist. I think it's a problem with the path. Do you know why Matlab doesn't find the files although they are in a subfolder of the Matlab folder?
  1. Item two Findpeaks: I want to count the Peaks in each file with a certain threshold and minimal peak distance. Apparently Matlab has some problems with my imported files, because I get the Error
Error using findpeaks
Expected X to be one of these types:
double, single, uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64, int8, int16, int32, int64
Instead its type was char.
Error in findpeaks>parse_inputs (line 90)
Error in findpeaks (line 71)
[X,Ph,Pd,Th,Np,Str,infIdx] = parse_inputs(Xin,varargin{:});
Thank you so much for your help. I will attach the files as an example. I'm really looking forward to your answers and thoughts. Cheerio! Tanja


dpb 2014-5-26
Roger mentioned addpath to solve the subdirectory problem. To read a series of files, see the FAQ
I recommend the dir solution almost always. In short for your case...
d=dir('2014*.csv'); % get the list of .csv files beginning w/ 2014
for i=1:length(d) % loop over the list
[dat,txt]=xlsread(d(i).name); % read the ith file
% do whatever with the data here...
For a single file I used one of your links to get here...
>> d=dir('2014*.csv'); % get the list of .csv files beginning w/ 2014
>> [dat,txt]=xlsread(;
>> whos dat
Name Size Bytes Class Attributes
dat 25004x2 400064 double
>> whos txt
Name Size Bytes Class Attributes
txt 2x2 276 cell
>> txt
txt =
'Zeit' 'Kanal A'
'(us)' '(V)'
>> dat(1:3,:)
ans =
-3.9008 0.1575
-3.8968 0.1969
-3.8928 0.1575
Your problems on data types will go away when you read the data as above and use the numeric data array dat (or whatever you choose as a variable name instead of dat, of course).
And, if you know the headings and don't care, just return the numeric data...
dat=xlsread(d(i).name); % read, return numeric only
  11 个评论
Tanja 2014-5-28
I'm using R2014a for Mac. Thank you so so so much! So far everything works just fine. For my needs I can work with separate columns. Just one last question: Do you know how I can combine the threshold and the minpeakdistance in find peaks?
dpb 2014-5-28
编辑:dpb 2014-5-29
...using R2014a for Mac
Being as that is a newer release, I'd check for any updates patches that your installation is owed and if the symptom for xlsread is still there (or there are no notes that there's any patches for it) I suggest it's a bug and should send the file and bug report to TMW at
I whiffed on the 'Mac' part previous go-'round -- from the doc for xlsread
'basic' Flag to request reading in BASIC mode, which is the default for
systems without Excel for Windows. In BASIC mode, xlsread:
*Only reads XLS or XLSX files.
So, it's documented behavior that .csv files aren't supported on non-Windows platforms. Too bad the error messages aren't OS-sensitive to include that piece of trivia...


更多回答(2 个)

dpb 2014-5-28 I can combine the threshold and the minpeakdistance in find peaks?
They're named-value pairs, along w/ the rest of the options--just string them out as needed...
[pks,locs]=findpeaks(data,'minpeakdistance',3, 'threshold', pi, 'npeaks', 42);
etc., ...

Roger Wohlwend
Roger Wohlwend 2014-5-26
编辑:Roger Wohlwend 2014-5-26
You probably cannot open the files because the folder is not on the MATLAB search path. In your code add the following line at the beginning of the skript or function:
If you do that, Matlab will find the files and open them.
Concerning the csv files: Matlab has a problem with the first two lines that contain text. That is why it is not possible to use the function csvread. You can, however, use the function xlsread.
[~,~,raw] = xlsread('20140512-0013_001.csv')
Now delete the first three rows because they contain no numerical data:
raw = raw(4:end)
Extracting the data is, however, not so simple:
T = length(raw);
Data = NaN(T,2);
for k = 1 : T
C = strsplit(raw{k},',');
Data(k,1) = str2double(C{1});
Data(k,2) = str2double(C{2});
Now you have a matrix Data with the numerical data of the file. Use that matrix for any computations.
  1 个评论
dpb 2014-5-26
You can, however, use the function xlsread.
[~,~,raw] = xlsread('20140512-0013_001.csv')
That's the hard way to use xlsread for the purpose, however..use the form
[dat,txt] = xlsread(filename);
instead. Then the numeric data will be in the array dat and the header text in txt automagically.
Or, use importdata that can transparently find the header lines.
Or, use textread with the 'headerlines' option--



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