MATLAB Workspace and functions

3 次查看(过去 30 天)
I understand that the workspace window shows me only the variables of the main function of my program. Once I step into a function, the workspace does NOT show me local variables of the functions, but keeps the display of the variables of the main function. However, in other IDEs (Visual Studio, Eclipse), the Workspace Window shows me the variables of the function, in which the program runs at every moment. I want to ask how I can see local variables in Workspace also in MATLAB? It can really help me debugging my code.


the cyclist
the cyclist 2014-5-31
In the Editor tab (of the Editor window) of the interface, there is a pulldown menu labeled "Function Call Stack" that will allow you to choose which function workspace you are viewing:
  2 个评论
Star Strider
Star Strider 2014-5-31
I can’t find it anywhere in R2014a.
the cyclist
the cyclist 2014-5-31
编辑:the cyclist 2014-5-31
Here is a wider image that shows the whole Editor tab at the top of the Editor window:
You may need to click that little arrow on the far right to open the tab.
The functionality is described on this documentation page.


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