y-and x-label becoming blur after plotting boxplot onto large dataset

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Has anyone came across the problem of figures y-label and x-label becoming blur or almost transparent after plotting boxplot on a semi-large data-set? I have no problem with this when I was using Windows, but now I am using Mac and came across this. I tried using text function for the y-and x-labelling issue but the labels still came out blur. Is there something that I can change in the code, so that the label for the x and y-axis stay clear? Below is the snippet of the code that I used to plot the boxplot onto the data.
figure;set(gcf,'Position',[-3 35 1024 671]); B1= axes('position',[0.1 0.77 w1 h1]);
axes(B1) pp = plot(time,nit,'.k','Markersize',5);hold on p=plot(tt1,blockave1(:,1),'k-','LineWidth',0.5);hold on b1=boxplot(n_nitWinN,'position',176.5,'width',5,'Color','k');hold on b2=boxplot(n_nitSSN,'position',247.3,'width',5,'Color','k');hold on b3=boxplot(n_nitSEN,'position',317.2,'width',5,'Color','k');hold on b4=boxplot(n_nitSumN,'position',74.2,'width',5,'Color','k'); set(gca,'fontsize',8.5) ylabel({'Nitrate';'(mg NL$^{-1}$)'},'interpreter','latex') set(gca,'Xticklabel',[]); axis([1 370 0.0005 1.55]);
Thank you

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