import 4x1 vectors from Inport block

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
Owen 2014-6-19
I want to import some data (100 numbers) from Workspace into a Simulink model with an Inport Block.
The data is generated as following:
test_data = [1:100]';
test_data_ts = timeseries(test_data);
test_data_ts is put into Configuration Parameters -> Input.
Another block is connected with the Inport block. This block requires 4x1 vectors at the input, so I put a Signal Specification Block between these blocks, with this configuration: Dimensions = [4 1].
Unfortunatly I get an error:
The external inputs specified for the block diagram indicate that the port dimensions should be [1]. Instead, the port dimensions are being set to [4x1].
Any ideas?

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