Image Processing

4 次查看(过去 30 天)
harjan 2011-8-20
Hi 2 all I have 16x16 image i want to convert this to 128x128 image (that means for every 16 bit it must replicate to 8x8 of this same bit value) Please clarify this Thx in advance


Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2011-8-20
Another way to do it, using the Image Processing Toolbox:
m128 = imresize(m16, 8, 'nearest');
  2 个评论
harjan 2011-8-22
ml28 refers what.....Its just a variable?
Sean de Wolski
Sean de Wolski 2011-8-22
It's the name of the image variable that will be 128x128, hence the descriptive numbering.


更多回答(2 个)

Sean de Wolski
Sean de Wolski 2011-8-20
New_Image = kron(your_image,ones(8));
Kronecker Tensor Product
  3 个评论
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2011-8-20
I read that as "And did she get a browser?"...
Sean de Wolski
Sean de Wolski 2011-8-22
It's probably just dirt from the trail. I'll get a bigger picture! And yes, she got Firedog 4.2.


Vivek Bhadouria
Vivek Bhadouria 2011-8-22
Use this piece of code
% This program is used to zoom or shrink an image
% Input:image B3: gray-image or RGB image
% p: ratio, zooming (p>1), shrink(p<1)
% m: mode; =0:(default) nearest neighbor interpolation
% =1: Bilinear interpolation
% =2: Bicubic interpolation
% Output: image A3 % A3 = imageresize(B3,p,m);
%Vivek Singh Bhadouria, NIT-Agartala
%India, 9 August 2011, 01:05 AM
function A3 = imageresize(B3,p,m)
error(nargchk(2, 3, nargin, 'struct'));
if nargin < 3, m = 0; end
dimB = length(size(B3));
if dimB== 2 % GRAY-IMAGE INPUT:
A3 = gray_resize(B3,p,m);
elseif dimB== 3 % COLOR RGB-IMAGE INPUT:
AR = gray_resize(B3(:,:,1),p,m);
AG = gray_resize(B3(:,:,2),p,m);
AB = gray_resize(B3(:,:,3),p,m);
A3 = zeros([size(AR) 3]);
A3(:,:,1) = AR;
A3(:,:,2) = AG;
A3(:,:,3) = AB;
error('Improper input image');
% Sub-Function: Resize a gray-image
% Same input argument with imageresize()
function A = gray_resize(B,p,m)
% Initialize new-grid and output
[N,M] = size(B);
xp = 1:1/p:N+1/p; yp = 1:1/p:M+1/p;
A = zeros(length(xp),length(yp));
% Symmetric Padding
npad = 3;
B = sym_pad(B,npad);
switch m
case 0 % Nearest neighbor interpolation
U = round(xp); V = round(yp);
U(find(U<1)) = 1; V(find(V<1)) = 1;
U(find(U>N)) = N; V(find(V>M)) = M;
A = B(U+npad,V+npad);
case 1 % Bilinear interpolation
% Floor of (xp,yp)
xf = floor(xp); yf = floor(yp);
% Distance to top-left neighbors
[XF,YF] = ndgrid(xf,yf);
[XP,YP] = ndgrid(xp,yp);
u = XP - XF; v = YP - YF;
% Change xf, yf for new padding image
xf = xf + npad; yf = yf + npad;
% Interpolation
A = (1-u).*(1-v).*B(xf,yf) + ...
(1-u).*v .*B(xf,yf+1) + ...
u .*(1-v) .*B(xf+1,yf) + ...
u .*v .*B(xf+1,yf+1);
case 2
% Floor of (xp,yp)
xf = floor(xp);yf = floor(yp);
% Distance to top-left neighbors
[XF,YF] = ndgrid(xf,yf);
[XP,YP] = ndgrid(xp,yp);
u = XP - XF; v = YP - YF;
% Change xf, yf for new padding image
xf = xf + npad; yf = yf + npad;
% Interpolation: 16 neighbors
for i = -1:2
for j = -1:2
if i==-1, sgi = -1; else sgi = 1; end
if j==-1, sgj = -1; else sgj = 1; end
A = A + mex_hat(sgi*(i-u)).*mex_hat(sgj*(j-v)).*B(xf+i,yf+j);
error('Undefined Interpolation method');
% Sub-Function: Mexican-hat kernel
function hx = mex_hat(x)
hx = zeros(size(x));
x = abs(x);
ind1 = find(x<=1); ind2 = find(x>1 & x<=2);
hx(ind1) = 1 - 2*x(ind1).^2 + x(ind1).^3;
hx(ind2) = 4 - 8*x(ind2) + 5*x(ind2).^2 - x(ind2).^3;
% END of sub-function
% Sub-Function: symmetric padding, by default 2 pixels
% Input: gray image
function Bp = sym_pad(B,n)
Bp = zeros(size(B)+2*n);
Bp(n+1:end-n,n+1:end-n) = B;
% Padding symmetrically 4 boundaries
Bp(n:-1:1,n+1:end-n) = B(1:n,:);
Bp(n+1:end-n,n:-1:1) = B(:,1:n);
Bp(end-n+1:end,n+1:end-n) = B(end:-1:end-n+1,:);
Bp(n+1:end-n,end-n+1:end) = B(:,end:-1:end-n+1);
% END of sub-function


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