GUI push button problem

4 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have a project with GUI that contains two puss buttons the first called run when press on it it starts a simulation program that contains plotting of a figure I hide this figure because I want the second button to review the hidden figure by pressing it the second button called display network the problem is that when I press display network the action do not performed until the simulation program finishes How I make it possible to perform the action of second button while the action of the first button is still working
  2 个评论
Geoff Hayes
Geoff Hayes 2014-7-16
Why is it important to hide the plotting of a figure if you are just going to reveal the results with the press of the second button?
aya 2014-7-17
I am making a Wireless Sensor Network simulation in matlab that shows several results with different figures I want the user to be able to chose which result to see



Alfonso Nieto-Castanon
You simply need to add the line:
to the code running the simulation steps so that Matlab flushes the event queue (and "reads-in" any potential buttonpress).
  8 个评论
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2014-7-18
If you're using Windows, there are certain folders where it does not allow you to save anything, like under Program Files, etc. Make sure you're saving to a folder where you can save things. Can you, for example, paste a file in there with Windows Explorer without it asking you "if you're sure"?
aya 2014-7-18
yes I am using windows but I don't specify any folder to save the figure in it I think the default is the MATLAB file that is created when first installing matlab


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