For instance, I want to have first column as integers (iteration count) and in the remaining columns I want to have 7 decimal places in the output of the following code (out= [iter, a, b, m, ym, bound]; disp(out)). How can i achieve this? Any suggestion?
f=inline('x.^3-3*x.^2+1'); %
a=0; b=1; kmax=26; tol=0.00001;
ya=f(a); yb=f(b);
if sign(ya)== sign(yb), error('function has same sign at end points'), end
disp('step a b m ym bound')
for k=1:kmax
m=(a+b)/2; ym=f(m); iter=k; bound=(b-a)/2;
out= [iter, a, b, m, ym, bound]; disp(out)
if abs(ym)<tol, disp('bisection has converged'); break; end
if sign(ym) ~= sign(ya)
b=m; yb=ym;
a=m; ya=ym;
if (iter >= kmax), disp('zero not found to desired tolerance'), end