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can sb tell me why it doesnt work?

3 次查看(过去 30 天)
shafagh 2011-8-23
关闭: MATLAB Answer Bot 2021-8-20
clear; Rd=load('LCLS_a-C_sh18_T00202_ex_A1.txt') plot(Rd); hold on; c=0;w=(100:10:200); [m,n]=size(Rd); x=Rd(:,1) y=Rd(:,2)
div=0.05 w=35 for x=200:600 for i=1:6 %number of iterations
r=(1/2*pi)*(w.^2)/(x-x(i)).^2+w.^2 for i=1 plot(r) end if i>1 dif=r(i)-r(i-1)
plot(r) if dif > 0 w=w+dif end end end end

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