Variable / which matlab does not forget ?

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Hey Guys,
function testbutton_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
x = get(handles.edit1,'String')
if ~exist('x','var')
x = []
y = [y,x]
This code is supposed to read the edit box and create an array which contains the Data. The array is supposed to expand every time u click the button. However, if the procedure is finished, matlab forgets/kills the x-value. now i want to know, how can i make matlab remember the X-Value after the procedure is done?


Joseph Cheng
Joseph Cheng 2014-7-29
You could use the userdata and store the values within the edit 1 box data field
userdata = get(handles.edit1,'userdata');
edit1stuff = get(handles.edit1,'String');
since at the starts unless otherwise declared the userdata is empty for the field.
  1 个评论
Joseph Cheng
Joseph Cheng 2014-7-29
doing a very quick search i was able to find this link that shows the difference between the get and getappdata and the set and setappdata
from skimming the post the difference is between meaningful to you and meaningful to matlab. in my example i use userdata but if you use the setappdata you can put anything you want without having to muddy the waters with the extra matlab declared stuff.


更多回答(2 个)

Azzi Abdelmalek
Azzi Abdelmalek 2014-7-29
Nothing is forgotten, you can the value of x at any time
x = get(handles.edit1,'String')
  1 个评论
Max Müller
Max Müller 2014-7-29
编辑:Max Müller 2014-7-29
function AddAnotherShotButton_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
shotnumber = str2num(get(handles.ShotEditbox,'String'));
UsedAmp = get(handles.UsedAmpRadioButton,'Value');
ClosestAmp = get(handles.ClosestAmpRadioButton,'Value');
OptimalAmp = get(handles.OptimalAmpRadioButton,'Value');
if ~exist('InputData','var')
InputData = [];
InputDataAppend = [shotnumber;UsedAmp;ClosestAmp;OptimalAmp]
InputData = [InputData,InputDataAppend]
I want to:
get all the InputData
store it in an array
clear all InputObjects
get next InputData
store it .....


Julia 2014-7-29
try this:
Declare an array/variable y in the opening function
and update y every time you write a new value in it:
guidata(hObject, handles); % updates handles structure
  1 个评论
Max Müller
Max Müller 2014-7-29
Thats one way i mentor told me to use getappdata/setappdata. The syntax is setappdata(h,name,val), but i miss an example.



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