How to plot the surface of multiple data sets ?

6 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have three different data sets each being constant in the z/l axis and want to plot the surface of them. I got the 3d plot working using plot3() :
All three lines have the same amount of data points so it should not be that hard to connect each point of each line with a straight line.
Here's the code for the figure:
plot3(porous_upper(pathnumber_10,1).values(:,xc_x)*scale_x,porous_upper(pathnumber_10,1).values(:,xc_x+2)*scale_z,porous_upper(pathnumber_10,1).values(:,yc_x),"DisplayName","Porous Upper 1 p -10");
hold on;
plot3(porous_upper(pathnumber_10,2).values(:,xc_x)*scale_x,porous_upper(pathnumber_10,2).values(:,xc_x+2)*scale_z,porous_upper(pathnumber_10,2).values(:,yc_x),"DisplayName","Porous Upper 2 p -10");
hold on;
plot3(porous_upper(pathnumber_10,3).values(:,xc_x)*scale_x,porous_upper(pathnumber_10,3).values(:,xc_x+2)*scale_z,porous_upper(pathnumber_10,3).values(:,yc_x),"DisplayName","Porous Upper 3 p -10");
title(["Pressure p above porous layer";"Sidecoefficent Test -10"],'interpreter','latex',"FontSize",20)
set(gca, 'YDir','reverse')
xlabel('X/L', 'Interpreter','latex',"FontSize",16);
ylabel('Z/L', 'Interpreter','latex',"FontSize",20);
zlabel('$p$', 'Interpreter','latex',"FontSize",20);
legend("show","Location","Best","AutoUpdate", "off");


Star Strider
Star Strider 2021-8-20
It would help to have the actual data.
N = 20;
X = (0:N-1);
Y = [1:3].'+zeros(size(X));
porous_upper = rand(20,3)+[0:2];
plot3(X, Y(1,:), porous_upper(:,1))
hold on
plot3(X, Y(2,:), porous_upper(:,2))
plot3(X, Y(3,:), porous_upper(:,3))
hold off
grid on
Make appropriate changes to work with your data.
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