Specific conditions for array elements

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Hello! Let's say that i have an array 5x5 filled with numbers from 1 to 20
How can i compute a new array B of the same size as the A with three conditions:
1. If the element of the array A is smaller than 10, B=9^2
2. If the element of the array A is equal to 10, B=0
3. If the element of the array A is higher than 10, B=20^0.5
Thank you,


Awais Saeed
Awais Saeed 2021-8-22
编辑:Awais Saeed 2021-8-22
Fairly simple
B = A;
% get indices
B1 = find(B == 10);
B2 = find(B > 10);
B3 = find(B < 10);
% change values at those indices
B(B1) = 0;
B(B2) = 20^0.5;
B(B3) = 9^2;
  3 个评论
Awais Saeed
Awais Saeed 2021-8-22
You are welcome.
C = rand(5)
% get indices where B = 81
C1 = find(B == 81);
% change values at those indices to zero
C(C1) = 0


更多回答(1 个)

Simon Chan
Simon Chan 2021-8-22
You may simply combine them together as follows:
B = (A>10)*(9^2)+(A==10)*0+(A<10)*(20^0.5);


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