Centroids distance in pixel

8 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hello everyone,
I am writing to ask for a suggestions.
I am working on high resolution images ( 5MP ) showing a evenly space dots grid. I would need to compute the euclidean distance between the dots centroids.
I used the "imfindcircles" function, which uses the CHT algorithm, to obtain the centers and radii of the dots of the images with good accuracy, Here the code lines and the resulting image:
[centers,radii] = imfindcircles(maskedImage,[4 18],'ObjectPolarity','dark','Sensitivity',0.9,'Method','twostage','EdgeThreshold',0.4);
viscircles(centers, radii,'LineStyle','--');
The varialble "centers" found is a matrix of two columns defining the x and y coordinates of all the centroids of the dots found in the image. I have not understood which is the order meaning of the dots centroids coordinates in this variable, it seems to be quite random.
Now what I would need to do is to compute the distance between each dot centroid and the centroids of the four closest dots. I would then obtain a matrix in which I will have 4 columns relatives to the four distances found for each dot. Attached an image for better explanation:
Do you have any idea of which could be an easy way to proceed? Is there any built in function I can use?
Please, let me know if something is not clear or I need to provide more information.
Thanks so much for your help!
  1 个评论
DGM 2021-8-25
编辑:DGM 2021-8-25
If you want, it might help if you attached a lower-res example of one such image.
That said, there are a number of similar questions
This one was looking for the nearest neighbor, but could easily be changed to the 4-neighbors using mink() instead of min(). Sorting them by relative direction might be a bit of a complication.



DGM 2021-8-25
编辑:DGM 2021-8-25
Eh. This is a kludgy extension of the example I linked to. I just used a modified copy of your screenshot:
inpict = logical(255-imread('dotgridfull.png'));
inpict = inpict & ~bwareaopen(inpict,500); % remove corner objects
C0 = regionprops(inpict,'centroid');
C = vertcat(C0.Centroid);
npoints = numel(C0);
% distance from every object to every other object
D = sqrt((C(:,1)-C(:,1).').^2 + (C(:,2)-C(:,2).').^2);
D(D<1E-6) = NaN; % remove self-distances
[Dn Nn] = mink(D,4,2); % nearest 4 neighbor distances, indices
% it might be worthwhile to discard distances significantly greater
% than the mean. that would be a simple method of dealing with
% points on the edge without a full 4-neighborhood
%C = [C; [NaN NaN]];
%baddist = Dn>(1.1*mean(Dn(:)));
%Dn(baddist) = NaN;
%Nn(baddist) = npoints+1;
% sort point locations [NW NE SE SW]
for p = 1:npoints
thisC = C(p,:);
Cnn = C(Nn(p,:),:);
eastof = Cnn(:,1)>thisC(1);
northof = Cnn(:,2)<thisC(2); % origin is in NW corner
neworder = [find(northof & ~eastof); find(northof & eastof); ...
find(~northof & eastof); find(~northof & ~eastof)];
Dn(p,:) = Dn(p,neworder);
Nn(p,:) = Nn(p,neworder);
% show image and plot lines between each point and its 4-neighbors
% of course, half the lines are overlapping each other, so ...
imshow(~inpict); hold on % web-view is easier to see inverted
linespec = {'r','k','m','b'};
for p = 1:npoints
for dir = 1:4
pts = C([p Nn(p,dir)],:);
As mentioned, you're going to have to deal with the fact that the edge dots don't have a full 4-neighborhood. Simply finding the 4 nearest neighbors will result in finding dots that might not intend to be considered neighbors.
  7 个评论
benl23 2021-9-8
Hi Image Analyst,
thanks for you help first of all. The image I shared was a low resolution one and I would consider it a "good case".
As you can see in the new image attached, the dots diamaters can be really different and I want to investigate if there is an expansion / reduction of the dots dimention along preferential directions. I will increase the resolution ( higher number of pixels for each dot ) to have more robust results and better visualize the resultsI
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2021-9-8
Do you have a question? You can maybe rotate the image so the blobs are in a rectangular array using radon(). See attached demo. Then find rows and columns by taking a sum of gray levels vertically and horizontally. Then you can get the average area or diameter for each row and each column. Write back if you have any questions, and be sure to state your question or need clearly.


更多回答(2 个)

KSSV 2021-8-25
Read about the function knnsearch, this will give you the specified number of nearest points from a set of points for a given point along with distance.

Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2021-8-25
编辑:Image Analyst 2021-8-25
Looks like you could easily just threshold this to find the blobs
mask = grayImage < someThreshold;
Then call regionprops to get centroids
props = regionprops(mask, 'Centroid');
xy = vertcat(props.Centroid)
The numbering is not random, though it may seem like it. It numbers blobs from left to right as it scans the image and encounters them. And from top to bottom in the event two blobs start in the same column, like blobs 11 and 12 in the image below. See attached demo.
Use knnsearch() or pdist2() to find distance between points or sets of points, if you have the Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox.

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