Why when I do the cumulative with retime, data don't change?

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Hello everyone,
when I use retime for doing the cumulative, values remain the same. (If you see data in 'DATI_ECM_GIORNALIERI' and data in 'Cum_Giu' are exactly the same, despite I used "Cum_Giu = retime(table2timetable(DATIECMWFgiornalieri, 'RowTimes', DTv), 'daily', @(x)sum(x,1,'omitnan'))."
How can I solve this problem?
Thank you.
DTv = datetime(DATIECMWFgiornalieri{:,1:3})
Cum_Giu = retime(table2timetable(DATIECMWFgiornalieri, 'RowTimes', DTv), 'daily', @(x)sum(x,1,'omitnan'))
CTv = Cum_Giu.Properties.RowTimes;
yyaxis right
plot(CTv, Cum_Giu.SMB_mpmm, 'm', 'DisplayName','ECMWF');
yyaxis left
plot(C,NEW, 'DisplayName','AWS')
Ax = gca;
Ax.YAxis(2).Color = 'm';


Star Strider
Star Strider 2021-8-26
It does not change because the rows are already daily values, and the retime call summarizes the data by daily values.
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