New Script keeps opening in new window instead of a tab

840 次查看(过去 30 天)
So, stupid question. I accidentally did something on my script file and now when I hit new script, it opens a new script in a new window instead of a new tab. Can someone tell me what I did and how to reverse it.


Star Strider
Star Strider 2014-7-31
The only thing I can think of is to go to the small downward-pointing arrowhead in a circle in the upper right of the Editor’s toolstrip (the tooltip for it is ‘Show Editor Actions’, click on it, click on ‘Dock Editor’ and see if that works. According to the menu, CTRL+D might have the same effect.
  66 个评论


更多回答(2 个)

Sylvain Cornelus
Sylvain Cornelus 2019-3-23
编辑:Sylvain Cornelus 2019-3-23
Just to add to Star Strider's repsonse:
In case people are having trouble finding it, look for the very top right blue bar, grey circle and down arrow, "Dock filename.m"
CTRL+SHIFT+D was the default command for me in R2018b.
  12 个评论


Avner Atias
Avner Atias 2018-5-1
The above answers works just fine. Another thing though, if you want the editor to be in a separate window and tab for each function, you can drag it OUT of docking in the MATLAB workspace window.


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