How to integrate WebFigureCOntrol in WPF????

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hi , i have few quesions regarding the MatLab WebFigureControl
I just want to use this control in my WPF project (for heavy data plotting)as it is consuming less memory than the normal matlab window plots
I used following technique,
1.Use a web browser control in WPF screen 2.Create a ASP.Net page with MatLabWebFigureControl 3.Invoke the matlab function from the webpage for setting the value like , WebFigureControlInstance.WebFigure = new WebFigure (ClassObject.MethodName(Parameter)); 4.From the WPF window, invoked the code, this.WebBrowserWindow.Navigate(new Uri("http://localhost:3251/NewSite/Default.aspx")); for placing the matlab control on WPF screen
I just want to know whether this approach is a proper one or not? If not can anybody suggest a mechanism.
Also iam not able to communicate with Matlab for passing any arguments from the WPF project.
Any help will be appreciated!!!
Thanks/ Prem

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