Matlab optimprob _Problem based _how can i see the optimal parameter setting while using optimprob
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i am using optimprob for grid optimal dispatch problem, in this case how can i see the optimal parameter settings/iterations etc as we normally plot for other optimization methods, ?
Any graph/data that i can plot during simulation like optimization search space/paramters etc using any commands ???
[values,~,exitflag] = solve(prob,'Options',options);
I use this command,
how can i see the optimal values and cosntraints
Please advcie
Alan Weiss
You can set a plot function in the options for your solver. To see which solver is being used, call optimoptions:
options = optimoptions(prob) % I assume prob is your optimproblem
Suppose that your solver is ga. Then you can set a plot function that ga accepts:
options = optimoptions(prob,"PlotFcn","gaplotbestf");
If the plot functions do not show what you want, feel free to write a custom plot function (ga is shown, but there are custom plot functions available for most solvers).
Alan Weiss
MATLAB mathematical toolbox documentation
11 个评论
This is my code ,
how can i view the optimal value, the variables that give the optimal value and the operating conditions?
% Solve the linear program
options = optimoptions(prob.optimoptions,'Display','none');
[values,~,exitflag] = solve(prob,'Options',options);
% Parse optmization results
if exitflag <= 0
Pd = zeros(N,1);
Pbattups = zeros(N,1);
Ebattups = zeros(N,1);
Pd = values.PdV;
Pbattups = values.PbattupsV;
Ebattups = values.EbattupsV;
with below command It doesnt not display anything either in workspace or in command window , i dont knwo what mistake i have done.
options = optimoptions(prob.optimoptions,'Display','iter');
when i used the below command
options = optimoptions(prob.optimoptions,'Display','iter');
[values,~,exitflag] = solve(prob,'Options',options);
fval = evaluate(prob.Objective,values);
I am getting below data in diagnosis viewer.
LP preprocessing removed 723 inequalities, 244 equalities,
727 variables, and 1379 non-zero elements.
Iter Time Fval Primal Infeas Dual Infeas
0 0.003 -5.713331e+09 5.951959e+08 0.000000e+00
101 0.004 -5.567856e+09 2.816612e+09 0.000000e+00
202 0.006 -5.397463e+09 1.412637e+10 0.000000e+00
303 0.007 -5.188584e+09 2.415490e+08 0.000000e+00
345 0.008 -5.186765e+09 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00
Optimal solution found.
fval =
What does thsi mean?what are the different parameters mentioned ?Please advice
In this below exampl,
gives the variable values for fval,
I rewritten it as
tb1=struct2table(values) and got 241*5 table in diagnostic viewer.
LP preprocessing removed 723 inequalities, 244 equalities,
727 variables, and 1379 non-zero elements.
Iter Time Fval Primal Infeas Dual Infeas
0 0.004 -5.713331e+09 5.951959e+08 0.000000e+00
101 0.005 -5.567856e+09 2.816612e+09 0.000000e+00
202 0.008 -5.397463e+09 1.412637e+10 0.000000e+00
303 0.011 -5.188584e+09 2.415490e+08 0.000000e+00
345 0.012 -5.186765e+09 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00
Optimal solution found.
tb1 =
241×5 table
Ebatt1V EbattupsV PbattEVregV PbattupsV PdV
________ _________ ___________ ___________ ___________
7.2e+07 5.575e+09 -16500 -4.1667e+05 4.5438e+05
7.2e+07 5.7e+09 -16500 -5e+05 5.378e+05
7.2e+07 5.85e+09 -16500 -5e+05 5.3788e+05
7.2e+07 6e+09 -16500 5e+05 -4.6813e+05
7.2e+07 5.85e+09 -16500 5e+05 -4.683e+05
7.2e+07 5.7e+09 -16500 5e+05 -4.6846e+05
7.2e+07 5.55e+09 -16500 5e+05 -4.6862e+05
7.2e+07 5.4e+09 -16500 5e+05 -4.6879e+05
7.2e+07 5.25e+09 -16500 5e+05 -4.6895e+05
7.2e+07 5.1e+09 -16500 5e+05 -4.6911e+05
7.2e+07 4.95e+09 -16500 5e+05 -4.6927e+05
7.2e+07 4.8e+09 -16500 5e+05 -4.6944e+05
7.2e+07 4.65e+09 -16500 5e+05 -4.696e+05
7.2e+07 4.5e+09 -16500 5e+05 -4.6976e+05
7.2e+07 4.35e+09 -16500 5e+05 -4.6993e+05
7.2e+07 4.2e+09 -16500 5e+05 -4.7007e+05
7.2e+07 4.05e+09 -16500 5e+05 -4.7015e+05
7.2e+07 3.9e+09 -16500 5e+05 -4.7023e+05
7.2e+07 3.75e+09 -16500 5e+05 -4.7031e+05
7.2e+07 3.6e+09 -16500 5e+05 -4.7039e+05
7.2e+07 3.45e+09 -16500 5e+05 -4.7048e+05
7.2e+07 3.3e+09 -16500 5e+05 -4.7056e+05
7.2e+07 3.15e+09 -16500 5e+05 -4.7064e+05
7.2e+07 3e+09 -16500 5e+05 -4.7072e+05
7.2e+07 2.85e+09 -16500 5e+05 -4.708e+05
7.2e+07 2.7e+09 -16500 5e+05 -4.7088e+05
7.2e+07 2.55e+09 -16500 5e+05 -4.7096e+05
7.2e+07 2.4e+09 -16500 5e+05 -4.7102e+05
7.2e+07 2.25e+09 -16500 5e+05 -4.7099e+05
7.2e+07 2.1e+09 -16500 5e+05 -4.7097e+05
7.2e+07 1.95e+09 -16500 5e+05 -4.7094e+05
7.2e+07 1.8e+09 -16500 0 29084
7.2e+07 1.8e+09 -16500 0 29109
7.2e+07 1.8e+09 -16500 0 29134
7.2e+07 1.8e+09 -16500 0 29160
7.2e+07 1.8e+09 -16500 0 29185
7.2e+07 1.8e+09 -16500 0 29210
7.2e+07 1.8e+09 -16500 0 29235
7.2e+07 1.8e+09 -16500 0 29261
7.2e+07 1.8e+09 -16500 0 29302
7.2e+07 1.8e+09 -16500 0 29404
7.2e+07 1.8e+09 -16500 0 29506
7.2e+07 1.8e+09 -16500 0 29608
7.2e+07 1.8e+09 -16500 0 29710
7.2e+07 1.8e+09 -16500 0 29812
7.2e+07 1.8e+09 -16500 0 29914
7.2e+07 1.8e+09 -16500 0 30016
7.2e+07 1.8e+09 -16500 0 30119
7.2e+07 1.8e+09 -16500 0 30221
7.2e+07 1.8e+09 -16500 0 30323
7.2e+07 1.8e+09 -16500 0 30425
7.2e+07 1.8e+09 -16500 0 30643
7.2e+07 1.8e+09 -16500 0 31327
7.2e+07 1.8e+09 -16500 0 32011
7.2e+07 1.8e+09 -16500 0 32695
7.2e+07 1.8e+09 -16500 0 33379
7.2e+07 1.8e+09 -16500 0 34063
7.2e+07 1.8e+09 -16500 0 34747
7.2e+07 1.8e+09 -16500 0 35431
7.2e+07 1.8e+09 -16500 0 36114
7.2e+07 1.8e+09 -16500 0 36798
7.2e+07 1.8e+09 -16500 0 37482
7.2e+07 1.8e+09 -16500 0 38166
7.2e+07 1.8e+09 -16500 0 38960
7.2e+07 1.8e+09 -16500 -5e+05 5.4019e+05
7.2e+07 1.95e+09 -16500 -5e+05 5.4142e+05
7.2e+07 2.1e+09 -16500 -5e+05 5.4265e+05
7.2e+07 2.25e+09 -16500 -5e+05 5.4388e+05
7.2e+07 2.4e+09 -16500 -5e+05 5.4512e+05
7.2e+07 2.55e+09 -16500 -5e+05 5.4635e+05
7.2e+07 2.7e+09 -16500 -5e+05 5.4758e+05
7.2e+07 2.85e+09 -16500 -5e+05 5.8181e+05
7.2e+07 3e+09 -16500 -5e+05 5.8304e+05
7.2e+07 3.15e+09 -16500 -5e+05 5.8427e+05
7.2e+07 3.3e+09 -16500 -5e+05 5.855e+05
7.2e+07 3.45e+09 -16500 -5e+05 5.8677e+05
7.2e+07 3.6e+09 -16500 -5e+05 5.8815e+05
7.2e+07 3.75e+09 -16500 -5e+05 5.8953e+05
7.2e+07 3.9e+09 -16500 -5e+05 5.9091e+05
7.2e+07 4.05e+09 -16500 -5e+05 5.9229e+05
7.2e+07 4.2e+09 -16500 -5e+05 5.9367e+05
7.2e+07 4.35e+09 -16500 -5e+05 5.9505e+05
7.2e+07 4.5e+09 -16500 -5e+05 5.9643e+05
7.2e+07 4.65e+09 -16500 -5e+05 5.9781e+05
7.2e+07 4.8e+09 -16500 -5e+05 5.9919e+05
7.2e+07 4.95e+09 -16500 -5e+05 5.8408e+05
7.2e+07 5.1e+09 -16500 -5e+05 5.8546e+05
7.2e+07 5.25e+09 -16500 -5e+05 4.5447e+05
7.2e+07 5.4e+09 -16500 -5e+05 4.5612e+05
7.2e+07 5.55e+09 -16500 -5e+05 4.5777e+05
7.2e+07 5.7e+09 -16500 -5e+05 4.5942e+05
7.2e+07 5.85e+09 -16500 -5e+05 4.6107e+05
7.2e+07 6e+09 -16500 -5e+05 4.6272e+05
7.2e+07 6.15e+09 -16500 -5e+05 4.6437e+05
7.2e+07 6.3e+09 -16500 -5e+05 4.6602e+05
7.2e+07 6.45e+09 -16500 -5e+05 4.6767e+05
7.2e+07 6.6e+09 -16500 -5e+05 4.6932e+05
7.2e+07 6.75e+09 -16500 -5e+05 6.6897e+05
7.2e+07 6.9e+09 -16500 -5e+05 6.7062e+05
7.2e+07 7.05e+09 -16500 -5e+05 3.756e+05
7.2e+07 7.2e+09 -16500 -1.334e-08 -1.234e+05
7.2e+07 7.2e+09 -16500 0 -1.224e+05
7.2e+07 7.2e+09 -16500 0 -1.214e+05
7.2e+07 7.2e+09 -16500 0 -1.204e+05
7.2e+07 7.2e+09 -16500 0 -1.194e+05
7.2e+07 7.2e+09 -16500 0 2.1161e+05
7.2e+07 7.2e+09 -16500 0 2.1261e+05
7.2e+07 7.2e+09 -16500 0 2.1361e+05
7.2e+07 7.2e+09 -16500 0 2.1461e+05
7.2e+07 7.2e+09 -16500 0 2.1561e+05
7.2e+07 7.2e+09 -16500 0 2.1661e+05
7.2e+07 7.2e+09 -16500 0 -25221
7.2e+07 7.2e+09 -16500 0 -25239
7.2e+07 7.2e+09 -16500 0 -25258
7.2e+07 7.2e+09 -16500 0 -25276
7.2e+07 7.2e+09 -16500 0 -25294
7.2e+07 7.2e+09 -16500 0 40687
7.2e+07 7.2e+09 -16500 0 40669
7.2e+07 7.2e+09 -16500 0 40651
7.2e+07 7.2e+09 -16500 0 40632
7.2e+07 7.2e+09 -16500 0 40614
7.2e+07 7.2e+09 -16500 0 40596
7.2e+07 7.2e+09 -16500 0 40578
7.2e+07 7.2e+09 -16500 0 -98620
7.2e+07 7.2e+09 -16500 0 -99406
7.2e+07 7.2e+09 -16500 0 -1.0019e+05
7.2e+07 7.2e+09 -16500 0 -1.0098e+05
7.2e+07 7.2e+09 -16500 0 -1.0176e+05
7.2e+07 7.2e+09 -16500 0 -1.0255e+05
7.2e+07 7.2e+09 -16500 8.0039e-09 -1.0334e+05
7.2e+07 7.2e+09 -16500 5e+05 -6.0412e+05
7.2e+07 7.05e+09 -16500 5e+05 -6.0491e+05
7.2e+07 6.9e+09 -16500 5e+05 -6.0569e+05
7.2e+07 6.75e+09 -16500 5e+05 -6.0648e+05
7.2e+07 6.6e+09 -16500 5e+05 -6.0726e+05
7.2e+07 6.45e+09 -16500 5e+05 -6.8054e+05
7.2e+07 6.3e+09 -16500 5e+05 -6.7989e+05
7.2e+07 6.15e+09 -16500 5e+05 -6.7924e+05
7.2e+07 6e+09 -16500 5e+05 -6.7858e+05
7.2e+07 5.85e+09 -16500 5e+05 -6.7793e+05
7.2e+07 5.7e+09 -16500 5e+05 -6.7728e+05
7.2e+07 5.55e+09 -16500 5e+05 -6.7663e+05
7.2e+07 5.4e+09 -16500 5e+05 -6.7598e+05
7.2e+07 5.25e+09 -16500 5e+05 -6.7532e+05
7.2e+07 5.1e+09 -16500 5e+05 -6.7467e+05
7.2e+07 4.95e+09 -16500 5e+05 -6.7402e+05
7.2e+07 4.8e+09 -16500 5e+05 -6.7337e+05
7.2e+07 4.65e+09 -16500 5e+05 -6.6775e+05
7.2e+07 4.5e+09 -16500 5e+05 -6.6772e+05
7.2e+07 4.35e+09 -16500 5e+05 -6.677e+05
7.2e+07 4.2e+09 16500 5e+05 -1.9877e+06
7.2e+07 4.05e+09 16500 5e+05 -1.9876e+06
7.2e+07 3.9e+09 16500 5e+05 -1.9876e+06
7.2e+07 3.75e+09 16500 5e+05 -1.9876e+06
7.2e+07 3.6e+09 16500 5e+05 -1.9876e+06
7.2e+07 3.45e+09 16500 5e+05 -1.9875e+06
7.2e+07 3.3e+09 16500 5e+05 -1.9875e+06
7.2e+07 3.15e+09 16500 5e+05 -1.9875e+06
7.2e+07 3e+09 16500 5e+05 -1.9875e+06
7.2e+07 2.85e+09 16500 5e+05 -1.9605e+06
7.2e+07 2.7e+09 16500 5e+05 -1.961e+06
7.2e+07 2.55e+09 16500 5e+05 -1.9614e+06
7.2e+07 2.4e+09 16500 5e+05 -1.9619e+06
7.2e+07 2.25e+09 16500 5e+05 -1.9623e+06
7.2e+07 2.1e+09 16500 5e+05 -1.9628e+06
7.2e+07 1.95e+09 16500 5e+05 -1.9633e+06
7.2e+07 1.8e+09 16500 0 -1.4637e+06
7.2e+07 1.8e+09 16500 0 -1.4807e+06
7.2e+07 1.8e+09 16500 0 -1.4811e+06
7.2e+07 1.8e+09 16500 0 -1.4816e+06
7.2e+07 1.8e+09 16500 0 -1.4821e+06
7.2e+07 1.8e+09 16500 0 -1.3138e+06
7.2e+07 1.8e+09 16500 0 -1.3143e+06
7.2e+07 1.8e+09 16500 0 -1.2489e+06
7.2e+07 1.8e+09 16500 0 -1.2494e+06
7.2e+07 1.8e+09 16500 0 -1.25e+06
7.2e+07 1.8e+09 16500 0 -1.2505e+06
7.2e+07 1.8e+09 16500 0 -1.251e+06
7.2e+07 1.8e+09 16500 0 -1.2516e+06
7.2e+07 1.8e+09 16500 0 -1.2521e+06
7.2e+07 1.8e+09 16500 0 -1.2526e+06
7.2e+07 1.8e+09 16500 0 -1.2532e+06
7.2e+07 1.8e+09 16500 0 -1.2537e+06
7.2e+07 1.8e+09 16500 0 -8.4094e+05
7.2e+07 1.8e+09 16500 0 -8.4202e+05
7.2e+07 1.8e+09 16500 0 -8.431e+05
7.2e+07 1.8e+09 16500 0 -8.4418e+05
7.2e+07 1.8e+09 16500 0 -8.4526e+05
7.2e+07 1.8e+09 16500 0 -8.4634e+05
7.2e+07 1.8e+09 16500 0 -8.4742e+05
7.2e+07 1.8e+09 16500 0 -8.485e+05
7.2e+07 1.8e+09 16500 0 -8.4959e+05
7.2e+07 1.8e+09 16500 -1.0545e-09 -8.5067e+05
7.2e+07 1.8e+09 16500 1.0949e-09 -8.5175e+05
7.2e+07 1.8e+09 -16500 1.2775e-09 -77328
7.2e+07 1.8e+09 -16500 -1.3262e-09 1.7958e+05
7.2e+07 1.8e+09 -16500 0 1.7854e+05
7.2e+07 1.8e+09 -16500 0 1.7749e+05
7.2e+07 1.8e+09 -16500 0 1.7644e+05
7.2e+07 1.8e+09 -16500 0 1.7539e+05
7.2e+07 1.8e+09 -16500 -2.1344e-08 1.7435e+05
7.2e+07 1.8e+09 -16500 -5e+05 6.733e+05
7.2e+07 1.95e+09 -16500 -5e+05 6.7225e+05
7.2e+07 2.1e+09 -16500 -5e+05 6.7121e+05
7.2e+07 2.25e+09 -16500 -5e+05 6.7016e+05
7.2e+07 2.4e+09 -16500 -5e+05 6.6911e+05
7.2e+07 2.55e+09 -16500 -5e+05 6.6807e+05
7.2e+07 2.7e+09 -16500 -5e+05 8.1026e+05
7.2e+07 2.85e+09 -16500 -5e+05 8.0963e+05
7.2e+07 3e+09 -16500 -5e+05 8.0901e+05
7.2e+07 3.15e+09 -16500 -5e+05 8.0839e+05
7.2e+07 3.3e+09 -16500 -5e+05 8.0776e+05
7.2e+07 3.45e+09 -16500 -5e+05 8.0714e+05
7.2e+07 3.6e+09 -16500 -5e+05 8.0651e+05
7.2e+07 3.75e+09 -16500 -5e+05 8.0589e+05
7.2e+07 3.9e+09 -16500 -5e+05 8.0527e+05
7.2e+07 4.05e+09 -16500 -5e+05 8.0464e+05
7.2e+07 4.2e+09 -16500 -5e+05 8.0402e+05
7.2e+07 4.35e+09 -16500 -5e+05 8.034e+05
7.2e+07 4.5e+09 -16500 -5e+05 7.0381e+05
7.2e+07 4.65e+09 -16500 -5e+05 7.0336e+05
7.2e+07 4.8e+09 -16500 -5e+05 7.0292e+05
7.2e+07 4.95e+09 -16500 -5e+05 7.0247e+05
7.2e+07 5.1e+09 -16500 -5e+05 7.0202e+05
7.2e+07 5.25e+09 -16500 -5e+05 7.0158e+05
7.2e+07 5.4e+09 -16500 -5e+05 7.0113e+05
7.2e+07 5.55e+09 -16500 -5e+05 7.0068e+05
7.2e+07 5.7e+09 -16500 -5e+05 7.0024e+05
7.2e+07 5.85e+09 -16500 -5e+05 6.9979e+05
7.2e+07 6e+09 -16500 -5e+05 6.9935e+05
7.2e+07 6.15e+09 -16500 -5e+05 6.494e+05
7.2e+07 6.3e+09 -16500 -5e+05 6.4896e+05
7.2e+07 6.45e+09 -16500 -5e+05 6.4854e+05
7.2e+07 6.6e+09 -16500 -5e+05 6.4812e+05
7.2e+07 6.75e+09 -16500 -5e+05 6.477e+05
7.2e+07 6.9e+09 16500 -5e+05 4.4928e+05
7.2e+07 7.05e+09 16500 -5e+05 4.4886e+05
7.2e+07 7.2e+09 16500 0 -51554
7.2e+07 7.2e+09 16500 0 -51972
7.2e+07 7.2e+09 -16500 0 46609
2.88e+08 7.2e+09 -16500 -5e+05 5.4619e+05
Is it possible to get a signle value or a final value for optimised objective function and the variables instead of all these 241*5 table ?
kindly advice.
Alan Weiss
It is clear that solve is using intlinprog as the underlying solver. You have a mixed-integer linear programming problem.
The solution sol and objective function value fval are returned in
[sol,fval] = solve(prob,'Options',opts)
If that does not answer your question, then I obviously didn't understand what you were asking. Maybe ask in a different way, with an example of what you want.
Alan Weiss
MATLAB mathematical toolbox documentation
Thank you very much. I understood it now, but i have a question, Please be kind to clear my doubt.I am getting Favl value very big,
I have tried to plot the values of optimal solution (minimal cost in this problem)
When I used the command
options = optimoptions(prob.optimoptions,'Display','iter');
I am getting a big value of 8.97e10 $/hr as Fval(optimal solution).
Please check this and confirm if it is correct or not or since the problem using an optimized time vector(dt=300), Is it required to modify the fval we get at the end (8.97e10 $/hr.)?
Please let me know. I am attaching the modified files(battsolaropt) and the diagnostic viewer screen for your reference. It is written No feasible solution was found.
Also please let me know why a gain of (3600*100) is used for calculating cost in Simulink, Why 100 is there?
Please advice .This has been posted as a seperate post here also,
as per the problem,only 241 x1 table will be the answer for each variable or single variable i can get ?
Alan Weiss
I'm sorry, but I have reached the limit of the time I am willing to put in investigating your problem.
Alan Weiss
MATLAB mathematical toolbox documentation
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