Continous Integration via matlab toolbox file.

3 次查看(过去 30 天)
I want to setup Auzre DevOps for a continous integration process where a matlab toolbox is being packaged by an agent. The whole matlab code is therefore hosted in a git repository on an Azure DevOps server. The repository also includes a prj file with the configuration of the matlab toolbox being packaged.
The ci process is as follows:
  1. The agent checks out the latest version of the matlab code from the repository.
  2. A matlab script is executed with the following command: matlab.addons.toolbox.packageToolbox('xyz.prj')
While this works pretty well on my desktop computer, the matlab instance on the agent throws the following error:
Unable to package the project 'C:\agent\_work\14\s\xyz.prj'. Toolbox root ${PROJECT_ROOT} does not exist.
Can anyone point me to a solution for this problem.

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