Solver based optimization passing extra parameters

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My solver function is giving an error: Unrecognized function or variable 'aa'.
c = sum(1./(1+exp(-x))*1./(1+exp(-y')).*(1.-aa),'all') - 0.1;
Error in fmincon (line 654)
[ctmp,ceqtmp] = feval(confcn{3},X,varargin{:});
Caused by:
Failure in initial nonlinear constraint function evaluation. FMINCON cannot continue.
Objective function is:
function f = objectiveFcn(optimInput)
x = optimInput(1:8124);
y = optimInput(8125:end);
f = -sum(1./(1+exp(-x))*1./(1+exp(-y')),'all');
function [c,ceq] = constraintFcn(optimInput)
x = optimInput(1:8124);
y = optimInput(8125:end);
c = sum(1./(1+exp(-x))*1./(1+exp(-y')).*(1.-aa),'all') - 0.1;
ceq = [];
I am using the solver based approach. Can you please tell me how can I pass the 'aa' variable inside the constraint function. I have seen the mathworks page but I couldn't implement it to my case. Can anyone please show me how can I do it for the solver based approach for my case.

回答(1 个)

Matt J
Matt J 2021-9-17
编辑:Matt J 2021-9-17
  4 个评论
Yagiz Dereboy
Yagiz Dereboy 2021-9-17
Sorry to bother you again but you see the solver GUI doesn't allow me to change fmincon function. Curser is a ghost as you can see. I can only change the constraintFcn but as you can see, @(x)constraintFcn(x,aa) writing is not working. I also tried to change it to nonlcon=@(x)constraintFcn(x,aa) to change the inside of the fmincon as you said but again this solver GUI is not letting me touch the fmincon.
Matt J
Matt J 2021-9-17
If you right-click on the task, you can convert it to editable code:



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