How to calculate mantissa of 0.5

8 次查看(过去 30 天)
Is there any function to calculate the mantissa of 0.8 by matlab?


Star Strider
Star Strider 2021-9-17
I created a little utility function to calculate the mantissa and exponent of a floating-point number a while ago, for my own use.
Trying it here —
expstr = @(x) [x(:).*10.^ceil(-log10(abs(x(:)+(x==0)))) floor(log10(abs(x(:)+(x==0))))];
expstr([0.5; 0.8])
ans = 2×2
5 -1 8 -1
The mantissa is the first element and the exponent is the second element in each row.
  2 个评论
Osamah Alayafi
Osamah Alayafi 2021-9-17
Thanks alot. If I understand you correctly, the mantissa of 0.5 is 5?
Star Strider
Star Strider 2021-9-17
My pleasure!
The exponent (in this instance) is -1.


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