Printing of 1000 matrix .

3 次查看(过去 30 天)
How can i print 1000 matrix of (12, 1) from (1000, 12) matrix and gives to name of each 1000 matrix.
  1 个评论
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2021-9-18
I have no idea what this means. Perhaps take another shot at phrasing it. Are you saying you have 1000 matrices, all with different names, like m1, m2, m3, ..... up to m1000? And each one is either a 12 row column vector or a 1000 row-by-12 column matrix?
Also, print where? To the command window? Directly to the paper printer?



Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2021-9-18
Note that in the below, Row1, Row2, and so on are only for display purposes. The code does not create matrices by those names.
YourMatrix = randi(9, 10, 4);
for K = 1 : size(YourMatrix,1)
fprintf('\nRow%d = \n', K);
disp(reshape(YourMatrix(K,:), [], 1));
Row1 =
4 7 5 8
Row2 =
5 7 8 2
Row3 =
8 6 5 6
Row4 =
9 8 6 7
Row5 =
9 4 9 4
Row6 =
1 7 1 7
Row7 =
3 9 1 3
Row8 =
2 5 5 1
Row9 =
9 6 1 3
Row10 =
5 8 5 8

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