How to reproduce the example figure using lsqcurvefit

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hi, I am trying to follow this example for non-linear curve fitting.
Looking at the section 'Splitting the Linear and Nonlinear Problems', I understood upto the point how to estimate two exponents lambda1 & 2 (line 51). However, I don't understand how to recover the estimate for 'c' to produce the 'Global fit' in the last figure in the following section.
More specifically, once I obtain the unknown lambdas, what should I do to obtain the unknown vector 'c' (in the function 'fitvector')? Which of the followings would be the right approach?
  1. c=A \ ydata
  2. c=A \ yEst, or
  3. Once obtained the estimates for lambda, I follow the full parameter estimation using the lambdas.
Thanks in advance for your help!

回答(1 个)

Mathieu NOE
Mathieu NOE 2021-9-29
well, if the question is only about how to use lsqcurvefit, my answer is not gotta help you because I'm using either fminsearch , or , much better and more robust to crude / bad initial guess : Fminspleas - File Exchange - MATLAB Central (
see the two examples attached if it helps you
all the best
  6 个评论
yp78 2021-9-30
编辑:yp78 2021-10-1
Hi Mathieu,
Thanks again for the helpful example files! I wrote the author of the function to ask about the multivariate usage of the function. When I had a reply, I will share the information with you :)



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