how to run a function in each cells?

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Hi, I am using a function 'taylordiag' as follows: [ hp, ht, axl ] = taylordiag ( stn { 1 } (2, : ), stn { 1 } ( 3, : ), stn { 1 } ( 4, : ) );
where stn is a 1*23 cell. I need to execute the function 'taylordiag' in each cells i.e. in stn { 1 }, stn { 2 } .... stn { 23 }, so that I can plot all the points that I need in the same plot obtained by executing 'taylordiag'.
Could you please suggest how to do this?
Thank you,


Nade Sritanyaratana
Have you tried cellfun ?
Below is an example of using cellfun that may fit what you are looking for:
[HP, HT, AXL] = cellfun(@(x)taylordiag(x(2,:),x(3,:),x(4,:)),stn);

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