make a movie from grayscale frames

8 次查看(过去 30 天)
itai 2014-8-11
评论: itai 2014-8-12
I want to make a movie from grayscale frames after I perform a graphics on them. I put each frame in 4D matrix and I tried to use in "immovie" command but i got this eror message:
"Error using immovie>parse_inputs (line 75)
Truecolor RGB image has to be an M-by-N-by-3-by-K array.
Error in immovie (line 40)
[X,map] = parse_inputs(varargin{:});
Error in main_2 (line 34)
How can I make a film from the frames after I painted on them graphics?
Thanks, Itai
  1 个评论
Adam 2014-8-11
Have you tried passing 'grey' as the second argument to immovie? I'm not sure what it does with an empty second argument but judging from the error message it reverts to the single input argument overload which expects an RGB input.


回答(2 个)

Joseph Cheng
Joseph Cheng 2014-8-11
Just as Adam suggests, I would also agree it looks like you should be passing the grey scale map in the second argument however I do not think just putting 'grey' will work. what you can do is create a map by using
map = colormap(gray(256));%256 as an example.
and then call your the immovie
mov = immovie(images,map);
  3 个评论
Adam 2014-8-11
Try something like
map = uint8( 256 * gray(256) );
although I'm sure there's a neater way of achieving that! From the error message it seems to be expecting an unsigned 8-bit colourmap rather than a 0-1 range colourmap such as that gives you.
itai 2014-8-12
I try to define the map with "uint8" and I'm still getting eror like this:
Error using iptcheckmap (line 31)
Function IMMOVIE expected input number 2, MAP, to be a valid colormap. Valid colormaps must be
nonempty, double, 2-D matrices with 3 columns.
Error in immovie>parse_inputs (line 87)
iptcheckmap(map, mfilename, 'MAP', 2);
Error in immovie (line 40)
[X,map] = parse_inputs(varargin{:});
Error in main_2 (line 35)
mov=immovie(images, map);
I copied the main code for you:
folderIn = 'C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\documents\bgu\year 2 st 1\image processing\';
folderOut = 'C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\documents\bgu\year 2 st 1\image processing\';
fileName = '12org_conv.avi' ;
cd( folderOut);
obj = mmreader(fileName);
NumberOfFrames = obj.NumberOfFrames;
N =15 ;
buffer = readMovie(obj,N);
save([folderOut 'buffer.m'],'buffer');
load -mat 'buffer.m';
trackWin = [];
images= [];
for frame = N+1:NumberOfFrames-15
img =double(rgb2gray( read(obj, frame)));
[motionWin thImg ] = MotionDetect3(buffer,img,frame);
trackWin =tracking( trackWin,buffer(:,:,end),img,frame,motionWin );
img = selectedTarget2Display(img,trackWin,frame);
buffer = bufferApdate(buffer,img);
imwrite(uint8(img),[folderOut,'o' sprintf('%04i',frame ),'.jpg']);
imwrite(uint8(thImg),[folderOut,'MD' sprintf('%04i',frame ),'.jpg']);
map = uint8( 256 * gray(256) );
mov=immovie(images, map);
please help me, Thanks


Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2014-8-11
  3 个评论
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2014-8-11
Are your graphics in color, and you want them to remain in color while the movie is playing? How did you create your 4D stack of color images? Did you use export_fig() to create your color image?
itai 2014-8-12
The graphics are not in color, the graphics is a white bounding box around targets. I enter each image to a matrix that the first two indices of her are the size of the image, the third index is the color (R,G,B) - I don't know what to put there, the last index represents the number of the frames I put there. this is the row in the code:
what you offer me to do?



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