How to solve the cell array equation?

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
i am trying to solve for 'c2' and 'c3' for different equations where sig{1}, sig{2} and sig{3} are cell arrays of 190X240 each in dimension. as i have two equations and two unknowns i assume i should get an answer.
I tried this code, please help how to find c2 and c3
if true
syms c2 c3
  1 个评论
Aykut Satici
Aykut Satici 2014-8-19
What are the types of expressions within the elements of the cell array, especially sig{2} and sig{3}? Are they functions of c2 and c3, or are they constant real numbers? In the latter case, the two equations are the same. In the former case the zeros of sig{2} and sig{3} would matter.


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