sharpening the blurred image edges without using direct commands .

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
i want to deblur an image by following method
step 1> obtain a blurred image
step 2> apply edge detection filters in 4 different orientations of the blurred image
step 3> Find the four output images processed from the edge detection filters
step 4>combine the output based on an L2 norm or Eucledians norm
Step 5>obtain the edge of the image hence using the above method
  6 个评论
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2011-8-30
Max 2011-8-30
thanx walter......
the tutorials on hyperlink sent by you were really good. Now i am in search of some worked out problems in matlab on image sharpening without unsharp commands . i did not get any. i am trying from ground zero to start but not getting any help.


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