Multinomial logistic regression

7 次查看(过去 30 天)
eli 2011-8-30
Dear all,
I have a (X) as a matrix and (Y) as a vector for example:
X=[1.4 5.2 7.1 3.9; 0.5 2.9 6.8 3.2], Y=[0 0 0 1]
I want to do the Multinomial logistic regression. That is my method:
Does my method seems correct? but I am not sure about the function ''glmfit'' or ''mnrfit'' and also plotting. Please guide me in this case. Thanks in advance.

回答(3 个)

Daniel Shub
Daniel Shub 2011-8-30
The code you have posted looks like logistic regression and your plotting looks reasonable. The documentation for glmfit is a reasonable starting point to understanding logistic regression.
  1 个评论
eli 2011-8-30
But I can not plot it. There is an error on ''yfit'' and I think some thing is wrong with XX=linspace(0,7) maybe It is not appropriate for matrix ''X''. Do you have any idea to solve the problem? Thanks


Richard Willey
Richard Willey 2011-8-30
The following example deals with Poisson regression rather than logistic regression. I'm posting this because it includes a fair amount of plotting and might prove useful to get a feel for things.
% Generalized Linear Models ecompasses techniques like Poisson
% regression and Logistic regression. This technique is used to model
% counts and estimate odds.
% Formally, the technique was developed to model data where the error terms
% don't exhibit constant variance.
% Specify the average relationship between X and Y
clear all
% Create a set of 100 X values between 0 and 15
X = linspace(0,15,100);
X = X';
% Define a function that describes the average relationship between X and
% Y.
mu = @(x) exp(-1.5 +.25*x);
Y = mu(X);
Use the Y = f(X) to generate a dataset with known characteristics
% At each "X", the observed Y is represented as a draw from a Poisson
% distribution with mean (lambda) = Y
Noisy_Y = poissrnd(Y,100,1);
% Create figure
figure1 = figure;
% Create axes
axes1 = axes('Parent',figure1,'YTick',[0:max(Noisy_Y)], 'YGrid','on');
% Create scatter
scatter(X,Noisy_Y, 'b');
% Note the following:
% The mean of a poisson process is also the variance of a poisson process.
% The blue curve doesn't exhibit constant variance (this violates one of
% the key assumptions underlying Ordinary Least Squares)
% The output from a Poisson process is always a non-negative integer. If
% lambda is close to zero AND observations can never going
% non-negative, the shape of the distribution is bounded in one direction.
% As lambda gets larger, this boundary has less and less impact on the
% distribution of the errors.
hold on
Create a fit using nonlinear regression
% The model used for the nonlinear regression is the same as "mu"
foo = fit(X, Noisy_Y, 'exp(B1 + B2*x)');
SSE_OLS = sum((foo(X) - Noisy_Y).^2)
% Create textbox
[0.147443514644351 0.802739726027397 0.255903765690377 0.0931506849315069],...
'String',{['SSE OLS = ' num2str(SSE_OLS)]},...
'BackgroundColor',[1 1 1]);
%%Create a fit using a Generalized Linear Model
[b dev stats] = glmfit(X,Noisy_Y, 'poisson');
Predicted_Y = exp(b(1) + b(2)*X);
plot(X, Predicted_Y, 'k');
SSE_GLM = sum(stats.resid.^2)
% Create textbox
[0.147443514644351 0.802739726027397 0.255903765690377 0.0931506849315069],...
'String',{['SSE OLS = ' num2str(SSE_OLS)], ['SSE GLM = ' num2str(SSE_GLM)]},...
'BackgroundColor',[1 1 1]);
% The two curves (should) look almost the same
% The SSE is (essentially) the same.
% What gives? Why are we bothering with this GLM stuff?
%%Perform a Monte Carlo simulation
% Generate 1000 data sets that are consistent with with the assumed
% relationship between Count and Time
parfor i = 1:1000
Noisy_Y = poissrnd(Y, 100,1);
b = glmfit(X,Noisy_Y, 'poisson');
GLM_Prediction(:,i) = exp(b(1) + b(2)*X);
% Provide optimal starting conditions (make sure that ...
% any differences are related to the algorithms rather than
% convergence
foo = fit(X, Noisy_Y, 'exp(B1 + B2*x)', 'Startpoint', [-1.5, .25]);
B = coeffvalues(foo);
OLS_Prediction(:,i) = exp(B(1) + B(2)*X);
True = plot(X, Y, 'b');
hold on
GLM_Mean = plot(X, mean(GLM_Prediction, 2),'k')
OLS_Mean = plot(X, mean(OLS_Prediction, 2),'r')
% The means of the two two techniques are, for all intents and purposes,
% identical.
% The standard deviation from the GLM is MUCH smaller. Also note that
% I provided the nonlinear regression with optimal starting conditions.
% Formally, the advantage to using a GLM has to do with the scope of the
% technique (The range of conditions over which the GLM will generate a
% good fit). GLMs have a much broader scope. Conversely, using a
% nonlinear regression to fit the inverse of the link function can (badly)
% misfire on occasion.
% glmfit is more robust
GLM_std = std(GLM_Prediction, [], 2);
OLS_std = std(OLS_Prediction, [], 2);
plot(X, OLS_std./GLM_std)
ylabel('Ratio of OLS std:GLM std')
  1 个评论
eli 2011-9-5
Thanks Richard,
Unfortunately it is not what I mean, but however useful it the related cases :)


eli 2011-9-5
I found that in the case that I have a matrix as X and the vector Y as [0 1] event, the Multinomial logistic regression functions are as bellow :
I have a (X) as a matrix and (Y) as a vector for example:
X=[1.4 5.2 7.1 3.9; 0.5 2.9 6.8 3.2], Y=[0 0 0 1]
I want to do the Multinomial logistic regression. That is the right method in this case:
PHAT = mnrval(b,X,'model','nominal','interactions','on');
but for plotting I have problem. I have been confused. It should be however 3D plot. The below instruction does not work:
Can anybody give the valuable idea for plotting the Multinomial logistic regression. Thanks in advance.

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