Assign value to a circular mask

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hi everyone,
I used the following code to generate a circle mask located at [cX, cY] on a 500 by 500 "film":
cX=200; cY=100; r=30; % radius of the circle width=500; height=500;
[W,H]=meshgrid(1:width, 1:height); mask=sqrt((W-cX).^2+(H-cY).^2)<=r; imshow(mask) colorbar
But for now the circle value = 1, and the rest of the film value = 0; How can I assign specific value (for instance, 5) to the circle value?
Thank you! Sonia


Dishant Arora
Dishant Arora 2014-8-14
Use logical indexing.
circDisk = double(mask); % Converting mask to the type double
circdisk(mask) = 5 % or whatever value you want.

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