grabbing number after decimal

149 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hi I have a dataset which has column 'specialNumber'. It has data like '1234.5, 9087.3...' and so on, I want to extract number after decimal. so for 1234.5 = 5 for example. How do i do that
  1 个评论
Bart McCoy
Bart McCoy 2018-7-25
The "fix" function is useful here, since it rounds toward 0. This is important when extracting the fractional part of a NEGATIVE number:
If value = pi, then "value - fix(value)" = 0.141592653589793
If value = -pi, then "value - fix(value)" = -0.141592653589793



Star Strider
Star Strider 2014-8-20
If you know you will only have one number after the decimal, just use the rem function:
x = 1234.5;
d = 10*rem(x,1);
d =
  1 个评论
Elena 2022-2-22
how would you do this to for a number like 0.05120? I would only like to get the '05' value from this. (last two numbers after decimal)


更多回答(5 个)

David Sanchez
David Sanchez 2014-8-20
N = 1234.5;
R = 10*(N-floor(N))
R =
  3 个评论
Hikaru 2014-8-20
编辑:Hikaru 2014-8-20
@Patrik. This does not always work. If N = 1234.5, then your code will return R = 50
Plus, using round is better compared to floor because of the floating points.
Patrik Ek
Patrik Ek 2014-8-20
编辑:Patrik Ek 2014-8-20
@Hikaru It is true that R becomes 50 when there is only 1 decimal digit in the number. This is not a bug though, since the second digit indeed would be 0 if N is exactly 1234.5. If the accuracy of N is one digit (or if you only want the first decimal digit), it is still not a problem. Then you explicitely need to state that you do only want one digit and not 2 by setting nDigits=1. This is not an unreasonable approach, since this decision should really be the user's.
And about using round instead of floor I do not buy it. You solve a problem that is unlikely to happen, by creating a problem that will occur in 50% of all the cases. Assume that I would use round in my case; This would give the result R = 54, since round(53.7) is 54. This could possibly be a common case. However, since you do the operation N-floor(N), you are unlikely to get floating point errors. Focus on the real problem instead of obscure errors that will probably not occur anyway. An alternative could be you uploading a solution that is safe from floating point errors. To use round is not really a solution to the problem. It is just a workaround and in this case a workaround that does not work as intended.


Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2014-8-20
neesha, what if there are 3 or 4 numbers after the decimal point? Do you want only the first one, or all of them? What if you did
fractions = t.specialNumber - floor(t.specialNumber);
where t is the table and specialNumber is the column in the table. So for example 73.8234 would give 0.8234 as a result. Would that work for you? Or do you only want the 8 as 8 and not as 0.8 or 0.8234?

Hikaru 2014-8-20
编辑:Hikaru 2014-8-20
One way to do this
specialNumber = [1234.5; 9087.3];
d = abs(specialNumber - fix(specialNumber));
answer = d*10; %assuming that your data only has one decimal place
final = round(answer)
Note: This is not really the best solution since subtracting floating points can introduce error.
  1 个评论
Patrik Ek
Patrik Ek 2014-8-20
Well I guess that you are quite safe from floating point errors here, since you you use the same variable. However, I think that a completely stable solution would cost more than you would gain. Floating point errors in operations like this is uncommon in matlab.


Patrik Ek
Patrik Ek 2014-8-20
Since there have been a discussion about floating point errors here (which IMO seems to be overkill to care about for this operation) I will provide an integer casting solution. This should be free from floating point issues since no addition or subtraction is done with floating points.
N = 1234.537;
nDigits = 2;
R = cast(floor(10^nDigits*N),'int32') - cast(10^nDigits*floor(N),'int32');
R = cast(R,'double') % If double is important then cast it back
The floor in the first term is there because of matlabs solution of casting, which rounds the double to closest int.

Neesha 2014-8-20
Hello everybody, thanks a lot for fantatic solutions. While all of your solution seem to work, since i have only one decimal after the number , following works out just fine
x = 1234.5; d = 10*rem(x,1); produces:
d = 5
thanks a bunch again


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