Variable amount of checkboxes in listbox (programmatic GUI)

4 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have in my programmatic GUI the following listbox:
h.listbox = uicontrol('style','listbox','units','pixels',...
The entire program gives me the following output:
What I now want, is that in front of every stock, I have a checkbox. Keep in mind that the amount of stocks is variable.
Can anyone point towards a solution?
Thanks in advance,


Adam 2014-8-26
I don't think that is possible with Matlab UI controls. However, if you don't mind doing some experimentation with undocumented controls, the following information on Yair Altman's excellent blog may help:
  2 个评论
Jonathan 2014-8-27
I eventually went for uitable. YIDE combo boxes is a bit difficult for my programming skills :P. But thanks!
If anyone is interested, using the following code will give want I wanted.
components_index = {'one1','two2','three3'};
h.table = uitable('units', 'pixels', 'position', [10, 100, 200, 200], ...
'columnname', {'Yes/No'},...
'ColumnEditable', true,...
Adam 2014-8-27
Yeah, I've shied away from the hardcore Jide UI programming too for now and have also been using uitable of late. I don't like it at all and it took me probably as long to get right as Jide would, but it does a job so glad you got that to work for you.


更多回答(1 个)

Yair Altman
Yair Altman 2014-9-4
There are actually 2 built-in controls that you could use within Matlab:
  1. com.jidesoft.swing.CheckboxList
  2. com.mathworks.mwswing.checkboxlict.CheckBoxList
Usage example (more details in my Matlab-Java book):
jList = java.util.ArrayList; % any java.util.List will be ok
jList.add(3,'and last');
jCBList = com.mathworks.mwswing.checkboxlist.CheckBoxList(jList);
jScrollPane = com.mathworks.mwswing.MJScrollPane(jCBList);
[jhCBList,hContainer] = javacomponent(jScrollPane,[10,10,80,65],gcf);
set(jCBList, 'ValueChangedCallback', @myMatlabCallbackFcn);
jCBModel = jCBList.getCheckModel;


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