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Is there a programatic check if a figure is being loaded by Guide?

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hi all,
I'm playing around with a GUI where the figure's CreateFcn creates uitabs. Guide "breaks" (2014A) when I try to save the figure because of the uitabs; so I want the CreateFcn to do a "loaded by Guide test". Something like:
if (guide)
% do nothing
% create tabs
as an alternative to manual modification each time I want to load it with Guide

回答(1 个)

Adam 2014-9-25
编辑:Adam 2014-9-25
I don't think there is such a function. The best I could suggest is to comment out the functionality while you are playing around in guide or move it to be triggered by a pushbutton rather than the CreateFcn until you have settled your GUI in Guide and then move it back to the CreateFcn afterwards.
You may want to try
instead of uitab which is unsupported functionality. I don't know how the tabs are programmed in that toolbox, but I assume they don't break GUIDE.



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