Guide: panels and visibility

17 次查看(过去 30 天)
Brian Nguyen
Brian Nguyen 2021-10-14
回答: Voss 2021-10-14
So I am getting confused with how panels work in GUIDE. I am trying to hide a bunch of toggle boxes in the startup of the GUI with a panel, but it only hides the panel and not the toggle boxes. I suspect it is an issue regarding associating the panel with the toggle boxes using GUIDE and the code I'm using which is below. If so, how can I connect them? Also, if there is any resources that can help me with using GUIDE, feel free to send it.

回答(1 个)

Voss 2021-10-14
It sounds like the uicontrols you want to hide are not children of the panel (i.e., are not contained in the panel), so they don't get turned off when the panel is made invisible.
You can check which uicontrols are in the panel by using the Object Browser in GUIDE. If your uicontrols are not there, you can put them there by selecting them in GUIDE and dragging them onto the panel, releasing them when the panel outline is highlighted (this will re-parent them, not merely move them).


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