Is it possible if we convert the audio that has 1 channel (mono) to 2 channel (stereo) in Matlab?

13 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have 2 channel binaural audio
I re-recorded using my cellphone and the audio was saved into one channel
Is it possible if we convert the audio that has 1 channel (mono) to 2 channel (stereo) in Matlab?
if possible, what kind of Matlab code to use ?
Thank you


Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2021-10-20
Stereo = repmat(Mono(:), 1, 2);
In the case where Mono is already known to be a column vector then this can be simplified to
Stereo = Mono(:, [1 1]);
However, you will not be able to separate channels back to their original -- not unless there is some distinguishing characteristic of the two. For example if the original two channels were sine tones of different frequencies, then Yes, you might be able to separate them out. Two singers that are not harmonizing, and which have distinct voices... might be doable with some work. Left and right click tracks at irregular times... NO.
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