I have a created a GUI which gets data from different sources, apply some modifications on these tables. For some other calculations, I need to access these tables in order to modify them again for other calculations.
The first thing I did, is to create a listbox which will scan my workspace
vars = evalin('base','who'); set(handles.listbox32,'String',vars)
Then each time I will click on one of the variables, i will be able to transform the dataset, for example here, as a FINTS.
i have 2 tables in my ws : A and B but can j or K.
so my code is the following :
for i = 1:numel(who)
if get(handles.listbox32, 'value') == i % normally A will correspond to 1 and B to 2.
%Access the Table. and make a fints(table) tvar = evalin('base','who') TableName = char(tvar(i,1)) Dates = TableName(:,1) Data = TableName(:,2) fints(Dates,Data)
This is not working mainly because TableName is being considered as a string and hence no kind of relation with table A.
Do you know how to make the link with the first table in my workspace and calibrate it each time I click on any handles.listbox which will point to some other table....
Thank you very much