curve fit a custom polynomial

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have the following 2nd order polynomial in the r-z coordinates:
Right now I have four sets of coordinats (r,z), how should I do a curve fit such that I can get an expression for Z in terms of r?
z = [-6.41 -12.4 2.143 102];
r = [13.58 15.7636 12.96 46.6];


Star Strider
Star Strider 2021-10-27
One approach —
syms A B C D r z
sf = A*r^2 + B*z + C*r + D == 0
sf = 
sfiso = isolate(sf, z)
sfiso = 
zfcn = matlabFunction(rhs(sfiso), 'Vars',{[A B C D],r})
zfcn = function_handle with value:
z = [-6.41 -12.4 2.143 102];
r = [13.58 15.7636 12.96 46.6];
B0 = rand(1,4);
nlm = fitnlm(r, z, zfcn, B0)
Warning: The model is overparameterized, and model parameters are not identifiable. You will not be able to compute confidence or prediction intervals, and you should use caution in making predictions.
nlm =
Nonlinear regression model: y ~ F(in1,r) Estimated Coefficients: Estimate SE tStat pValue ________ ________ _______ __________ b1 -0.61998 0.070975 -8.7353 0.072563 b2 2.4979 0.87073 2.8688 0.21353 b3 29.339 1.4571 20.135 0.031591 b4 -275.65 0.16252 -1696.1 0.00037534 Number of observations: 4, Error degrees of freedom: 1 Root Mean Squared Error: 3.89 R-Squared: 0.998, Adjusted R-Squared 0.995 F-statistic vs. constant model: 290, p-value = 0.0415
Bv = nlm.Coefficients.Estimate;
pv = nlm.Coefficients.pValue;
Out = table({'A';'B';'C';'D'},Bv,pv, 'VariableNames',{'Parameter','Value','p-Value'})
Out = 4×3 table
Parameter Value p-Value _________ ________ __________ {'A'} -0.61998 0.072563 {'B'} 2.4979 0.21353 {'C'} 29.339 0.031591 {'D'} -275.65 0.00037534
rv = linspace(min(r), max(r));
zv = predict(nlm, rv(:));
plot(r, z, 'pg')
hold on
plot(rv, zv, '-r')
hold off
legend('Data','Model Fit', 'Location','best')
The Warning was thrown because the number of parameters are not less than the number of data pairs.
Experiment to get different results.
  2 个评论
Randy Chen
Randy Chen 2021-10-27
Thank you! I was trying out the code myself, but this error occured:
syms A B C D r z ;
sf = A*r^2 + B*z + C*r + D == 0;
sfiso = isolate(sf,z);
zfcn = matlabFunction(rhs(sfiso), 'Vars',{[A B C D],r});
z = [12.96 46.6 13.5 46.5188]
r = [2.143 102 2.41814 101.5];
B0 = rand(1,4);
nlm = fitnlm(r, z, zfcn, B0);
Bv = nlm.Coefficients.Estimate;
pv = nlm.Coefficients.pValue;
Out = table({'A';'B';'C';'D'},Bv,pv, 'VariableNames',{'Parameter','Value','p-Value'});
rv = linspace(min(r), max(r));
zv = predict(nlm, rv(:));
plot(r, z, 'pg')
hold on
plot(rv, zv, '-r')
hold off
legend('Data','Model Fit', 'Location','best')
Unrecognized function or variable 'charcmd'.
Error in sym/isolate (line 108)
Error in hw10 (line 4)
sfiso = isolate(sf,z);
Star Strider
Star Strider 2021-10-27
As always, my pleasure!
The isolate function was introduced in R2017a.
Use solve instead —
syms A B C D r z
sf = A*r^2 + B*z + C*r + D == 0
sf = 
sfiso = solve(sf, z)
sfiso = 
zfcn = matlabFunction(sfiso, 'Vars',{[A B C D],r})
zfcn = function_handle with value:
z = [-6.41 -12.4 2.143 102];
r = [13.58 15.7636 12.96 46.6];
B0 = rand(1,4);
nlm = fitnlm(r, z, zfcn, B0)
Warning: The model is overparameterized, and model parameters are not identifiable. You will not be able to compute confidence or prediction intervals, and you should use caution in making predictions.
nlm =
Nonlinear regression model: y ~ F(in1,r) Estimated Coefficients: Estimate SE tStat pValue ________ ________ _______ __________ b1 -0.725 0.082997 -8.7353 0.072563 b2 2.9211 1.0182 2.8688 0.21353 b3 34.308 1.7039 20.135 0.031591 b4 -322.35 0.19005 -1696.1 0.00037534 Number of observations: 4, Error degrees of freedom: 1 Root Mean Squared Error: 3.89 R-Squared: 0.998, Adjusted R-Squared 0.995 F-statistic vs. constant model: 290, p-value = 0.0415
Bv = nlm.Coefficients.Estimate;
pv = nlm.Coefficients.pValue;
Out = table({'A';'B';'C';'D'},Bv,pv, 'VariableNames',{'Parameter','Value','p-Value'})
Out = 4×3 table
Parameter Value p-Value _________ _______ __________ {'A'} -0.725 0.072563 {'B'} 2.9211 0.21353 {'C'} 34.308 0.031591 {'D'} -322.35 0.00037534
rv = linspace(min(r), max(r));
zv = predict(nlm, rv(:));
plot(r, z, 'pg')
hold on
plot(rv, zv, '-r')
hold off
legend('Data','Model Fit', 'Location','best')
I like isolate because of the output format, and some of its other characteristics.


更多回答(1 个)

Rik 2021-10-27
You have two options: rewrite your equation to be a pure quadratic and use polyfit, or use a function like fit or fminsearch on this shape.
If you have trouble implementing either of these two, feel free to comment with what you tried.
  2 个评论
Randy Chen
Randy Chen 2021-10-27
I'm not sure how to rewrite that expression to be pure quadratic. Is it Bz = -Ar^2-Cr-D? But why do I have to rewrite it before using polyfit?
Rik 2021-10-27
Polyfit will fit a pure polynomial of the form
f(x)=p(1)*x^n +p(2)*x^(n-1) ... +p(n)*x +p(n+1)
That means you can determine the values of -A/B, -C/B, and -D/B with polyfit.
As you may conclude from this: there is no unique solution for your setup, unless you have other restrictions to the values you haven't told yet.
z = [-6.41 -12.4 2.143 102];
r = [13.58 15.7636 12.96 46.6];
p = 1×3
0.2482 -11.7452 110.3524



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