how to call python file in c s-function

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Hello, right now we want to build an MQTT communication between a simulink model and a mqtt broker. We have already a python script that can build an MQTT communication and publish to the broker. We want to call this python script during the simulink simulation using s-function. Since the simulink model is to be loaded onto the real-time simulator opal-rt and the opal-rt builds the simulink model based on c code so we want to write a c-based s-function in simulink to call the python script. But I haven't found many examples implementing in this way. Can someone help? Thanks!


Yongjian Feng
Yongjian Feng 2021-10-29
How about this approach? From C code, you can call system command, right? Run your python script as system command. Use file as input/output.

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