How to interface Natural Point Motive (NatNet) with Simulink model?

8 次查看(过去 30 天)
I need to create interface between Simulink to Motive I already succeed to interface between Matlab and Motive through NatNet, I reviewed the sample available with NatNet SDK to do so but I'm having trouble to migrate it to Simulink, I tried using Matlab function block unsuccessfully, it's have problem to use the dll command.
the error i got from Simulink is : Undefined function or variable 'NatNetML.NatNetClientML'.
I want to thanks Glen Lichtwark sample that helped me writing interface to matlab
the code i tried is the follwing:
function [x,y,z,yaw,pitch,roll] = Location_Orinteation_Motive_64bit(RigidBody_ID) %#codegen
dllPath = fullfile('c:','NatNetSDK2.5','lib','x64','NatNetML.dll');
assemblyInfo = NET.addAssembly(dllPath);
dllPath = fullfile('c:','NatNetSDK2.5','lib','x64','NatNetML.dll');
assemblyInfo = NET.addAssembly(dllPath);
theClient = NatNetML.NatNetClientML(0); % Input = iConnectionType: 0 = Multicast, 1 = Unicast
% Connect to an OptiTrack server (e.g. Motive)
HostIP = char('');
theClient.Initialize(HostIP, HostIP); % Flg = returnCode: 0 = Success
% data
frameOfData = theClient.GetLastFrameOfData()
rigidBodyData = frameOfData.RigidBodies(RigidBody_ID)
% angle
q = quaternion( rigidBodyData.qx, rigidBodyData.qy, rigidBodyData.qz, rigidBodyData.qw ); % extrnal file quaternion.m
qRot = quaternion( 0, 0, 0, 1); % rotate pitch 180 to avoid 180/-180 flip for nicer graphing
q = mtimes(q, qRot);
angles = EulerAngles(q,'zyx');
yaw = angles(2) * 180.0 / pi;
pitch = -angles(1) * 180.0 / pi; % must invert due to 180 flip above
roll = -angles(3) * 180.0 / pi; % must invert due to 180 flip above
thanks Or Hirshfeld


Or Hirshfeld
Or Hirshfeld 2015-4-26

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