Save Movie Video to Computer

17 次查看(过去 30 天)
ssmith 2021-10-31
I have almost 600 dcm files saved into one large folder that I want to load into my MATLAB code to read the data files and print out a grayscale image. I am not sure how to call the 600 dcm files. I tried dicomread but it is not reading. Any help would be appreciated.
  47 个评论
ssmith 2021-11-10
@Walter Roberson Do you know how to use VideoWriter and writeVideo to save my movie player video to my computer folder?
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2021-11-10
Yes, just like the VideoWriter documentation shows for those functions. Just make sure that when you pass the file name to VideoWriter() that you pass the complete path, such as
filename = fullfile(output_directory, 'XY_view.avi');
obj = VideoWriter(filename);


回答(1 个)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2021-11-9
@ssmith, please see a variety of demos attached where I deal with videos.
You should be able to adapt one of them to make your video. For example to create a zoomed video, extract the portion of the image you want to zoom into, then resize it, then write it to the output video.
  6 个评论
ssmith 2021-11-9
编辑:ssmith 2021-11-9
data = folder('scans');
scans = data;
I think I need to use VideoWriter but I am not sure how to do that
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2021-11-10
"folder()" is not a function. In my ExtractMovieFrames.m file, I show you how to create a movie from a bunch of individual still images. Use that.


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