How to save a struct data inside a table ?

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
S 2021-11-7
评论: dpb 2021-11-7
Hi everyone,
I wrote a program which consists of two for loop (as shown in figure below). The inner for loop will generate a two - structure data (size - 1x7 ) and one - array data( size - 7x1024) for every iteration of the outer for loop.
I tried to save the inner for loop data using struct method. But I am not able to read the data properly.
So, could you please suggest me a way to save both the struct data and array data together to create a table while iterating the outer for loop
or if could suggest me a better and easier approach to save the data.
Thank you.
% Out for loop
for k = 1: 4
% Inner for loop
for i = 1: 7

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