Hi - I finally found the answer to my own question (actually, my student found it). The code I originally had was almost right, but there are two important things you must do:
- After creating the plot, call the function "set(gca, 'Units', 'pixels', 'Position', [1 1 512 512]);". Here, (512,512) was the size of my image.
- When you predict the location of your 3D point P, remember that the center of an image with an even number of row and columns lies in a fractional position. For an image of size 512x512, the center is at (256.5,256.5). So you should predict the point location using: x = focal * P(1)/P(3) + 256.5; y = focal * P(2)/P(3) + 256.5;
The following is the modified code, that correctly renders a 3D point using "plot3", and it lies in the expected location in the image:
% Create a window to hold an image of size 512x512 pixels
figure('Position',[100 100 512 512]);
% Define the XYZ location of a point with respect to camera
X = 2*(rand-0.5); % Generate random location in X, -1..+1
Y = 2*(rand-0.5); % Generate random location in Y, -1..+1
P = [X; Y; 10];
% This creates the rendered image of the point
fov = 15; % Define field of view of the camera in degrees
camva(15); % Set the camera field of view
campos([0 0 0]); % Put the camera at the origin
camtarget([0 0 1]); % The camera looks along the +Z axis
axis image
axis off;
set(gca, 'Units', 'pixels', 'Position', [1 1 512 512]);
set(gcf, 'Color', [1 1 1]); % Sets figure background (optional)
F = getframe(gcf); % Grab the rendered frame
I=rgb2gray(F.cdata); % This is the rendered image
figure, imshow(I,[]), impixelinfo;
% Detect the centroid of the point in the rendered image
region = regionprops(I<255);
disp('Point detected at: '), disp(region.Centroid);
% Calculate where I expect the point to appear
% Calculate effective focal length using pinhole camera model.
focal = 256/tand(fov/2);
% Use perspective projection equations to predict image point (x,y)
disp('Point should be at: ');
x = focal * P(1)/P(3) + 256.5
y = focal * P(2)/P(3) + 256.5