How can delete the variable part?

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hello, everyone.
I want to erase the variable part for even numbers such as 2, 4, and 6, which are darkly colored from the variable. What should I do?
It's a possible?
I attached the .mat file.
If you know the code, I'd appreciate it if you could let me know.
Help me, please.


Chunru 2021-11-23
s = load("T9S11.mat");
x = s.T9S11
x = 1200×2 table
VarName1 E08 ________ ________ 1.5 5.67e+08 2 5.67e+08 2.5 5.67e+08 3 5.67e+08 3.5 5.66e+08 4 5.66e+08 4.5 5.66e+08 5 5.66e+08 5.5 5.67e+08 6 5.68e+08 6.5 5.69e+08 7 5.7e+08 7.5 5.7e+08 8 5.71e+08 8.5 5.7e+08 9 5.69e+08
x = 600×2 table
VarName1 E08 ________ ________ 1.5 5.67e+08 2.5 5.67e+08 3.5 5.66e+08 4.5 5.66e+08 5.5 5.67e+08 6.5 5.69e+08 7.5 5.7e+08 8.5 5.7e+08 9.5 5.68e+08 10.5 5.64e+08 11.5 5.62e+08 12.5 5.63e+08 13.5 5.66e+08 14.5 5.7e+08 15.5 5.73e+08 16.5 5.73e+08

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