how can i align two arrays according to their clock

6 次查看(过去 30 天)
i have 2 sets of data A and B . both A and B is a 4096*2 vector. the first col is data ,second col is Corresponding sample clock.
if true
% code
i plot the data and it looks like Fig 1
if true
% code
I also plot the clock in Fig2
i want to align the data1 and data 2 according to their clok , how can i do.


Matt Tearle
Matt Tearle 2014-10-22
编辑:Matt Tearle 2014-10-22
If by "align the data" you mean you want both data1 values and data2 values at some common time values, then you will probably need to interpolate both vectors onto a time vector of your choosing. This could be a little tricky given that the first 1000 values of time(:,1) and time(:,2) are pretty much constant but not equal, but anyway, in general you want to do something like this:
N = 2000;
t = linspace(min(time(:)),max(time(:)),N); % make a vector of times
data1 = interp1(time(:,1),data(:,1),t); % interpolate first column of data onto t
data2 = interp1(time(:,2),data(:,2),t); % interpolate second column of data onto t
hold on
Now you have both data1 and data2 with N points, at the time values given in t. You can be fancier about how you make t, such as using intersect or union.
[If by "align" you just mean see them aligned on the plot, then just do what Orion suggested.]

更多回答(1 个)

Orion 2014-10-22
just do :


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