How to plot navigation points on an indoor floorplan

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
HI, I have an indoor floor map (jpeg), I have tracked the movement of a person using mobile sensors and I have data in the form of x,y and angle , I want to show the trajectory on the floor plan, how should I go with it? Simply I want to show the navigation on map, how I will map my navigation data on the map in matlab.
regards ravi

回答(2 个)

Brett Shoelson
Brett Shoelson 2011-2-18
Look at the QUIVER command (and HOLD ON, of course). That does what I think you're asking for.

Ravi 2011-2-18
Actually I have distance and angle information, I know the initial start point.when persons starts walking,I have distance in each step and angle information. I want to map this information onto floorplan of a building(jpeg), How it will go?
regards ravi


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