Display file names from current directory if more than n characters

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
I want to write code that returns the filenames in my current directory, but only those filenames with more than n characters.
My code so far:
directory = dir('*.*'); % specifiy files, leave out folders
% remove the two '.' and '..' folders at the top
if length(directory) >= 3
directory = directory(3:end);
But how do I select only those filenames with more than n characters? I thought about setting up a logical vector, but I don't know how to do that. Does anybody have any suggestions?
Many thanks,
  2 个评论
Stephen23 2021-11-30
编辑:Stephen23 2021-11-30
"But how do I select only those filenames with more than n characters?"
Is that actually the goal, or is this really just your attempt to remove the dot directory names?:
Note that the dot directories are not guaranteed to be the first and second names returned, so your code already has a bug in it:
Dobs 2021-11-30
编辑:Dobs 2021-11-30
Yes, selecting the filenames with more than n characters is actually the goal because it's for an assignment.



Stephen23 2021-11-30
编辑:Stephen23 2021-11-30
n = 5;
P = 'absolute or relative path to where the files are saved';
S = dir(fullfile(P,'*.*'));
C = {S(~[S.isdir]).name}; % comma-separated lists
X = cellfun(@numel,C)>n;
C = C(X)

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