for loop which changes color depending on the month

3 次查看(过去 30 天)
I am trying to write a for loop where each month on my graph is a different colour. I am very unfamiliar with for loop and im unsure on how i work it into the code. I want the first subplot to have a rainbow essentially. Here is what I currently have.
plotIndex = month(windTurbineData.disc_TimeStamp);
meancapacity = windTurbineData.mean_Power_kW/7000
for i = 1:12
subplot (2,2,[1,2]);
title('Power Output 2019')
ylabel('Power output/rated power [-]')
ylim([-0.2 1.2])
grid on
subplot (2,2,3);
title('Power Output vs Wind Speed 2019')
xlabel('Wind Speed m/s')
ylabel('Power output/rated power [-]')
title('Standard Deviation in Power Output 2019')
xlabel('Wind Speed m/s')
ylabel('Std Power output/rated power [-]')
colorbar('Ticks', linspace(0, 1, 12), 'TickLabels',{'Jan','Feb','March','April','May','June','July','August','Sept','Oct','Nov','Dec'})

回答(1 个)

DGM 2021-11-30
编辑:DGM 2021-12-2
I don't have your data, so I just have to assume some placeholder data instead.
It's probably better to use a legend for identifying line plots like this. If you want to actually use a colorbar, you'll need to correctly configure it so that the labels line up with the discrete color segments, otherwise it's ambiguous.
Depending on what your actual data looks like, overlaying that many line plots might end up being pretty hard to read anyway.
monthnames = {'Jan','Feb','March','April','May','June','July','August','Sept','Oct','Nov','Dec'};
% placeholder data
t = datenum([2000 2000],[01 12],[01 31]);
t = t(1):t(2);
P = rand(1,numel(t));
S = P + 0.05*randn(1,numel(t));
% normalized power per month
plotIndex = month(t);
meancapacity = P;
subplot (2,2,[1,2]);
hold on
for moy = 1:12
mask = plotIndex==moy;
title('Power Output 2019')
ylabel('Power output/rated power [-]')
xlabel('Day of Month')
ylim([-0.2 1.2])
grid on
% power vs speed
[Ssorted idx] = sort(S);
Psorted = P(idx);
subplot (2,2,3);
title('Power Output vs Wind Speed 2019')
xlabel('Wind Speed m/s')
ylabel('Power output/rated power [-]')
% std per month
Pstd = zeros(1,12);
for moy = 1:12
mask = plotIndex==moy;
Pstd(moy) = std(P(mask));
title('Standard Deviation in Power Output 2019')
ylabel('Std Power output/rated power [-]')
The titles and labels all collide here on the web display, but should be better if the figure is allowed to be larger.
Related question that should be closer to the goals.


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