Find_system is not searching under Lookinside subsytem reference in v2021a

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I have been tried with the below command
1)all_lookup_path = find_system(gcs,'LookInsideSubsystemReference','on','FollowLinks','on','SearchDepth','2','LookUnderMasks', 'all','LookUnderReadProtectedSubsystems','on', 'BlockType','Lookup_n-D');
2) all_lookup_path = find_system(gcs,'LookInsideSubsystemReference','on','FollowLinks','on','LookUnderMasks', 'all','LookUnderReadProtectedSubsystems','on', 'BlockType','Lookup_n-D');
In my model, the navigation to blocks are : Modelreference>subsystem>Librarylinks>masked subsytem
My goal is to collect the different block paths under subsystem refernce.
Kindly suggest me the suitable command line argument for that
Thanks in advance.
  1 个评论
Sanman 2022-1-27
Hi Raju,
I'd like to understand the model hierarchy a bit more. As you mentioned the heirarchy seems to be Modelreference>subsystem>Librarylinks>masked subsytem.
Now, is the subsystem reference block one of the two subsystems you mentioned, or does in lie beneath the mask subsystem?


回答(1 个)

Satwik 2024-4-5
Hello Raju,
I assume that the hierarchy of the model used is Subsystem Reference > Subsystem > LibraryLinks > Masked Subsystem and you are trying to get all the block paths under 'Subsystem Reference'. You may use the command-line code given below -
% Load the Simulink model into memory.
% This function returns a cell array of block paths that match the criteria.
all_lookup_path = find_system('modelName/Subsystem Reference');
% 'all_lookup_path' now contains the paths to all the blocks that match the
% criteria.
For more details on the 'find_system' function in Simulink, you can refer to this documentation:
Hope this helps!


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