Plot time-series data of various column

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% Read in data
%k = xlsread('ACTUAL DATA_WIND SPEED.csv');
k = xlsread('plot_try1.csv');
time = k(1,:); %sholud be row 1
% lats = k(1:end,1); % 2315 long
% lons = k(2:end,2); % 2314 long
speeds = k(3:end,3); % 2314 long %should be column A1-A7127 until column L2-L7127
whos k
whos time
% whos lats
% whos lons
whos speeds
subplot(3, 1, 1);
plot(speeds, 'b-')
% plot3(speeds vs time);
grid on;
xlabel('Wind speed', 'FontSize',fontSize);
ylabel('Month-Year', 'FontSize',fontSize)
title('Monthly wind speed', 'FontSize',fontSize)
Hi, I am trying to plot time-series data.
The arrangement of data
Row 1 is time (strings)
Column A2-A29 untill L2-L29 is the wind speed data
I want to produce a time-series like this, I can produce it using Excel, but due to Excel has limit of data, thus some of the data could not appear in the time-series graph.


Chunru 2021-12-2
% Read in data
%k = xlsread('ACTUAL DATA_WIND SPEED.csv');
k = readmatrix('plot_try1.csv');
k(1, :) = []; % remove the header
ans = 1×2
7126 12
t = datetime(1993, [1:12], 1);
plot(t, k')
grid on;
ylabel('Wind speed');
title('Monthly wind speed');
% Too many data in the plot

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